Grant Administration Resource 4

This is a two-part assignment: Worksheet 4.1A & Goals and Objectives and the write the Actual Goals and Objectives Statement in a separate Word doc. (Be sure to submit both attachments in the same submission)
Both goals and objectives should relate directly to the Needs Statement.
Goals are the intent of the Project Goals are written as a broad statement. For example: Organizations Goal for this project is to provide affordable health care for the elderly.
Objectives provide concrete details of the Project’s intentions
Objectives spell out specifics. For example: Organization will increase by 50% health screening exams for citizens of XYZ over the next two year period.
When writing objectives, think of the ending outcome you want the program to achieve. These may be referred to as Performance Benchmarks, Program Outcomes, or other terminology. First and foremost, they must be achievable. If they are not realistic, then the program is doomed to fail. For example, it would seem unattainable to expect that every student in ABC school will be able to score in the 90 or higher percentile on the college entrance exam.
The objectives must be written concisely in MEASURABLE terms; quantifiable in numbers or percentages. For example, let’s assume the Need is for reduced drug use by teens. Providing drug Resistance Training is the Goal. A written objective might be: By the end of the project, the number of surveyed students at XYZ school who indicated they took ABC drug will decrease by 40% for the results of the previous survey conducted on 1/2/2015.
Objectives must include a time frame. Make sure this time frame is realistic. You will need to research benchmarks on reasonable expectations for the changes.

Notes to Writer: Sample Page 1-4 is just Textbook help Worksheet 4.1 A Needs to be completed using the information taken off of worksheets and statement problem