The Greeks and the Origins of Philosophy – choose one of the two topics listed in the order description

Lesson 2
The Greeks and the Origins of Philosophy

Short Essay Question
Choose one of the topics below. Address in a clear, concise, and orderly essay (300–400 words).
1. Briefly state Antigone’s justifications for her actions. Then make the best case you can for Creon’s position, drawing arguments from the text of the play.
2. Summarize the debate between the Milesians and the Athenian generals in Thucydides’s Peloponnesian Wars. What is the place of appeals to honor or reputation in this debate? Is the Athenian position completely consistent?
All essays should reflect careful attention to the course materials (original sources and commentary lessons). The point is not to state your feelings, impressions, or opinions, but to demonstrate knowledge of the course materials and to engage them intelligently. A clear and careful statement of the argument of the text(s) you are responding to is the first priority. Of course your opinions will be reflected in your writing, but your aim should be to demonstrate your understanding of the sources and your capacity to engage their arguments.