Green supply change management: evolution and future directions

Instructions and criteria for seminar paper Program Interactive Online PhD LIGS University

General provisions: Student Information System – hereinafter „SIS“ Seminar paper – hereinafter „the paper“

Please, respect the following instructions: 1. The paper needs to be delivered in the prescribed layout (sample “Layout_seminar paper” in the SIS). 2. The paper has to be submitted in the MS Word document. 3. When submitting, the paper needs to be uploaded into SIS (section: Submit paper, by the list of courses). 4. When consulting the paper, the author and the lecturer communicate via section Communication in SIS. 5. Student chooses the topic for the paper individually after consulting this with the lecturer. 6. In case of non-compliance with formal criteria or other serious defects in the paper, the lecturer is entitled to return the paper to student for revision. 7. If the student makes revisions or corrections to the paper they have to be marked intelligibly so that lecturer understands which parts of the text have been changed.

Assessing criteria: Lecturer assesses relevance, form of the paper etc. according to guidelines described in this document. Lecturer assesses the final version of the paper within 14 business days. The assessing form is delivered electronically and it is after uploaded in student’s e-account in the SIS.

Lecturer produces the assessment report only in case the paper has met all of the defined criteria:


CONTENT AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PAPER ✓ Abstract – whether it is of the prescribed length. ✓ Keywords – whether they are listed in the prescribed format and alphabetical order. ✓ Introduction – whether hypopaper, objectives of the paper, and information whom is the paper intended for, and how is the paper beneficial for the practice, is included. ✓ Formulation of the objectives – whether they are clearly stated. ✓ Conclusion – whether the stated objectives, evaluation of the depth and breadth of the paper, new ideas and findings, and analysis of new perspectives of the topic is included.

FORMAL CRITERIA ✓ Scope of the paper – whether the paper is of the prescribed length. ✓ Structure of the paper – whether the chapters and subchapters are logical. ✓ Layout – whether the current layout is used. ✓ Spelling and vocabulary – whether there are no grammatical errors in the paper and standard language is used. ✓ Formal issues – whether the paper is in compliance with the formal criteria (font, font size, line spacing etc.). ✓ Pictures, figures and charts – whether there is a table of pictures, figures and charts.

REFERENCES ✓ Graphical marking of citations and paraphrases – whether they are uniformly graphically distinguished from the rest of the text. ✓ Sources in the bibliography – whether they are stated in the correct form and alphabetical order. ✓ Pictures, figures and charts – whether they are correctly numbered and marked.

EVALUATION OF THE PAPER ✓ Practical impacts of the paper – whether the paper is linked with practical issues and its outcomes can be used in practice. ✓ Meeting the set objectives – whether the objectives set at the beginning of the paper were met. ✓ Author’s own thoughts – whether the paper contains author’s own thoughts, whether the issue is written in author’s own words or it is merely transcribing texts of other authors.


General formal criteria: • Length of the paper: IO PhD 7,500 – 12,500 words the excluding the introductory page, contents and appendices. (Word count is shown in the bottom left corner in the Word text editor – Words) • Spacing:1,5 • Font: Arial • Size: 12 • Alignment: block text

Detailed information on the form and method of producing and delivering the paper can be found in the Guidelines_Seminar paper, which can be downloaded in the SIS.

Final provisions: The Instructions and criteria for seminar paper have been approved by LIGS University. The Instructions and criteria for seminar paper are valid as of December 15th 2014. In case of amendment of the Instructions, LIGS University shall be obliged to publish new version in the SIS. The Instructions for seminar paper are published in the SIS