The research will endeavour to establish the factors which contribute to the workplace conflict in Australia using both millennials and non-millennials. The criteri for choosing the sample population to be used for the research shall be based on the researcher’s objectives and the research design to be used for the research. In addition, the sample to be used in analysing this research shall be based upon the research measurement, design and analysis (Patton& Appelbaum, 2003). The sample should be measurable and efficiently and effective useful while analysing the research in regard to both millennials and non-millennials factors contributing to conflict within the organization. The sample measurement, design and analysis in regard to millennials and non-millennials workplace factors leading to conflict shall be of great help in determining the criteria to be used in the selection, exclusion and description of the sample selected.

The research in regard to the factors that contribute to workplace conflict between millennials and non-millennials workplaces in Australia will use the exploratory, descriptive and experimental research designs.  In order to get a clear pictures how the different millennial and non-millenial factors influences the workplace in Australia the researcher shall use different case studies, focus groups, surveys and interviews to describe how the two groups were influences by the workers working environment (Cowton, 2008). Both the surveys and interviews shall be important in the research because they assist the researcher to establish the different relationship and variables which influences the two work related factors in Australian workplace. The experimental research design shall be used by the researcher to demonstrate how both the millennials and non-millennials demonstrate a process of real time and the causal relationship between the two factors.

In addition, the use of the exploratory research design shall be justified for the research because the design shall be used to clarify the ambiguous circumstances surrounding millennials and non-millennials workplace environment in Australia which might influence the potential business opportunities. The descriptive research design would be appropriate in addressing the how, why, when, where and who questions of how the millennials and non-millennials workplace facts influence the working environment in Australia. The research design would basically illustrate how the millennials and non-millennials workplace environment tries to understand the nature of the problems which existed in the Australian Working situations (Rigon & Adkins, 2016).  The correlation research design would be appropriate for the research in establishing how the high-ability and educated employees in both millennials and non-millennials are likely to take advantage of advantage of the training opportunities in comparison to low ability and less educated. The fact that the research is concerned with the issues of conflicts within the organizations and the Australian working environment, the use of the experiemental, exploratory and descriptive research design shall be appropriate in establishing how effective and efficiently conflict might be avoided in both millennials and non-millennials workplace factors.

The recruitment material in both the millennials and non-millennials workplace environment shall be based on the data that shall be collected through the use of the different research designs, sampling and the criteria to be followed while recruiting the employees in the organization. The fact that the millennials are believed to be flexible, different from the non-millennials in terms of use of the technology and positive towards work, it would be appropriate to use them in providing solution to the conflict issues found in the Australian workplace.  The survey that shall be conducted in establishing how effective the managerial strategies in Australian work place shall significantly provide effective data in establishing kind of employees to employ in the Australian working sector. Conflict management strategies are appropriate in addressing the workplace conflict in both millennials and non-millennials working environment in Australia (Pfau, 2014). Therefore, before recruitment of the workers takes place in Australian workplace it is important for the managers to understand both millennials and non-millennials working environment in order to establish the appropriate workers for the job and to avoid the risks and the costs associated with employment of unqualified workers in the organizations.

The appropriate data collection tool in establishment of how both the millennials and non-millennials factors contributes to workplace conflicts in Australia would be Survey method. Survey would be significant for the research because it shall support the organizational strategy in measuring the consumers’ attitudes, back up the positions of the research with the facts, monitor the progress and its effects and identify the characteristics of the targeted market. Through the use of survey in the research, the research shall be at a better position to establish how age, gender and level of education may result in discrimination in the Australian workplace in both the millennials and non-millennials periods (Gilbert, 2011). Moreover, survey shall investigate whether the qualified women are suitable for executive roles in the organization, whether gender bias exists within the organization and the viability of both genders in the executive positions. The research methods assists the researcher in determining what he or she is willing to change, what might be fixed and recognizes the survey limitations. Survey is linked to the millennials and non-millennials conflict factors research in that it tries to establish the reasons for conflict in the Australia workforce.