group therapy

Group therapy for sex offenders -History of group therapy for sex offenders-when it began, why it was started and who first implemented it. Can include different classifications of sex offenders or different group therapy settings -prisons, clinical, out patient etc
Include the advantages and disadvantages of group therapy for sex offenders, and reasons it is preferred over individual therapy
Identify the different methods of therapy (i.e. cognitive behavioral, dbt etc) most used methodology and why? Discuss specifics on curriculim and content from group therapy meetings and assignments/homework given by therapist.
Considerations and qualifications for the therapist leading a sex offender groupgroup, methods/ techniques/ or challenges for the therapist

Group selection citeria for creating a group -identify the similar or differentiating characteristics when creating the group, co-occuring disorders amongst sex offenders,

Identify the typical duration and frequency of of group therapy meetings for a sex offender along with statistics (how often do they go to meetings, drop out stats, correlation of meetings with reoffending.
Present day 2019 protocols and current overall success rate of group therapy for sex offenders. Conclusion emphasizing if group therapy works/ does not work for sex offenders why or why not. Considerations to be made. Please include one case study involving sex offenders in group therapy and the therapist. This will be used for a crtiical thinking discussion