Should gun license age be raised to 21?


Gun control is a major conflict in the US. People questioning whether 21 is too young or too old to be the legal age to carry a weapon. In our opinion 21 is an ideal age. At 21 a person would be out of high school for an average of 3-5 years. At 21 we feel more mature than we did at 18. 18 year olds are still children.
At 18 years of age you just barely get your rights to be considered an adult. You can finally buy cigarettes, finally buy a lottery ticket, finally get a piercing or tattoo. These small things are some of the first rights into becoming an adult. You are finally allowed to do some things on your own! But to be allowed to carry a gun? I just don’t think it’s the appropriate time. Right out of school your mindset is not a fully matured level. Being 18 is still being a child. Most children that age have not experienced the real world or even what it’s like to live on their own. Children have different kids of tempers and can be easily triggered into making mistakes. A mistake by putting a gun in the wrong persons hands can unfortunately be fatal. A teenager can go through a traumatic learning experience and not know how to deal with the situation. Alone and tempered a child can easily turn to the gun for revenge and violence. Being able to carry a weapon is a thrill. A thrill that can attract the wrong people. A weak minded person who is not thinking correctly can ruin their lives and/or other people’s lives at the pull of a trigger.
In recent years, gun control has been the topic for many. With all the recent school shootings it really raises the question on if we need stronger gun control laws to prohibit young adults from purchasing fire arms. In many arguments, including our own, we believe there should be stronger gun control laws that prohibit young adults under the age of 21 to buy weapons. It’s been proven with every school shooting that young adults just aren’t ready to have the right to buy weapons, 18 year olds are still far too young to even have access to fire arms, for their brains are still underdeveloped. Young adults are still too emotional and lack better judgement on this situation. Most school shooters are still around the age of eighteen, so this can tell you a lot on why we believe the age to buy firearms should be 21. As stated earlier 18 year olds are far too emotional and are not fully developed in the brains category to fully purchase firearms. Next 18 year olds are barely out of highschool, they shouldn’t even need to carry a firearm with them, or even need to buy them for protection. What 18 year old needs to have a gun for protection, that’s what police are for.
Extensive background checks also need to be made. Time and time again guns are being sold to questionable characters, we don’t know their true intentions when they proceed to purchase a weapon. Background checks should be made in order to help keep our safety, for far too long have weapons been sold for the wrong intentions. Background checks should be completely necessary, we need to know if the person who purchased the gun doesn’t have a violent, depressive, or psychopathic history. With this background check we can finally have more gun control policies in place that can better help us avoid dangerous scenarios like school or public shootings, we can finally lessen the possibility of the worst possible outcome. With a gun control policy like this in place, we can finally take another step forward in protecting citizens from threats from the inside.