Health Related Government Agencies

Introduction and Alignment

When a law is passed by Congress and signed by the President, the process is just beginning. Federal agencies are charged with putting together the administrative regulations that give the law its legs. The methods by which the law is implemented and the circumstances under which it is applied are outlined in the administrative regulation process.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Explain the structure and policy responsibilities of a federal government agency.
  • Elaborate on the administrative regulation process.
  • Analyze the impact of an administrative regulation on the healthcare industry.



  1. Read chapters 1 – 3 of Essentials of health policy and law.
  2. Read the article Implementing Health Reform: Federal Rules and State Roles located at
  3. View the video What is Rulemaking located at
  4. Examine the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) agencies in Table 2.4 on page 26 of the text.
  5. Prepare a 3-5 page paper which addresses the following:
    1. The purpose and structure of the agency.
    2. The policy areas which fall under the purview of the agency (clarify its relationship to healthcare, if necessary).
    3. An example of a regulation developed by or under development by the agency. If the regulation is in the rulemaking process, include its current stage of development.
    4. The impact of the regulation on the healthcare industry or population.
  6. Before finalizing your work, ensure that you:
    1. Read the assignment instructions and grading rubric carefully.
    2. Check the content for spelling and the proper use of grammar, and APA citation.