How do Hemingway, Smith, and Chopin’s essays show us a changing world?

Essay Question: Modern writers such as Ernest Hemingway, Kate Chopin and contemporary writer Zadie Smith were reacting to an increasingly complex and changing world; there was a sense that “new ideas needed to be expressed in new ways,” and often their stories were told in “…very gritty or realistic ways” (Kirszner&Mandell 126-127). How do Hemingway, Smith, and Chopin’s essays show us a changing world? Hint: what are the “new things” they write about, or what is being communicated in a very “gritty, realistic way”? What kinds of changes are they suggesting? Length: 3-4 pages. You must generously cite from the primary sources, as well as selectively cite from at least two critical readings per author and you must include a works cited page

Topic: How do Hemingway, Smith, and Chopin’s essays show us a changing world?

Book used: Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. Compact Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing 9th ed. Cangage Learning.

Hemingway, “Hills like White Elephants”
Kate Chopin, “The Storm”
“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin