heros journey

Objective: Now it’s your turn – apply the hero’s cycle to your own life.


1. According to Joseph Campbell, many events in our lives follow the mythological hero’s cycle. We experience the three major stages of departure, initiation and return many times throughout our lives. After familiarizing yourself with the hero’s cycle as explained in our course module, please think about a time in your life that you went through the hero’s cycle.

2. Start with an introductory paragraph that provides a summary of what will be explored in the paper. In the subsequent 5 paragraphs, identify and explain how the following aspects of the hero’s cycle apply to your story. You’ll need to clearly indicate which part of your story is which part of the cycle…don’t assume I know. Provide a conclusion in your last paragraph. YOU SHOULD HAVE 7 PARAGRAPHS TOTAL.

Call to Adventure
Crossing the First Threshold
Road of Trials
Any variables experienced along the way
Ultimate boon

Even though this is an informal essay, it still requires good organization and academic writing. Remember that in a Gordon Rule class one of the objectives is to communicate effectively.

Writing Directions:

Your paper should be organized and written according to academic standards.
Your paper should be approximately one to two pages in length, typed, double-spaced.
Your paper needs to be formatted according to MLA style. Some of this includes using a 12pt. font and setting 1” margins all the way around. There are many good online resources for formatting papers according to MLA (see Start Here Buttonmodule for the some good writing resources).
Be sure to submit the paper before the deadline (see syllabus policy). The system will only allow you to submit your paper once, so be sure you select the correct file before submitting it.

( for this paper i will attach the files to what you should read to help you write this paper better, please use the “more detailed view” file to indicate which part of your story is which part of the cycle, make sure to not use outside sources, this is your story use your life experiences, so after reading the heros journey use the cycles and apply it to your life and describe which cycle is what part of your story/life. if you do not understand how to write this paper please let me know , its important!)