History of Latin America, Dawn of Man to 1810


Reading Response: Columbus, “Letter of King Ferdinand of Spain”


1) Critical Reading


Answer the following questions in two to three sentences:


  • The key question that the author addresses is …
    (Figure out the key question in the mind of the author when he or she wrote the text.)


  • The most important information in the text is …
    (Figure out the facts, experiences, data the author is using to support his or her conclusions and DO NOT confuse them for the argument itself.)


  • The main conclusions (implicit or explicit) in this article are …
    (Identify the key conclusions the author comes to and state whether you think he or she follows an effective line of reasoning to get there.)


  • The main assumptions underlying the author’s thinking are …
    (Figure out what the author is taking for granted, something that might be questioned.)


  • The main point of view presented in the text is…
    (How does the author see this issue, and does he or she show sensitivity to alternative points of view?)



2) Argument


Suppose I asked you to write an essay on this text. What would your argument be? Remember, a good thesis statement often includes a “therefore” or a “because.” For example: “The author fails to consider this and this and therefore understates this and this.” “The author overlooks this and this.” [2-3 sentences]