HIV/AIDS the forgotten epidemic

This should be an analysis paper.

For your summative assessment, you will critically examine an existing public health program that attempts to address a public health issue. You will evaluate the
program to determine if it considers and accounts for the myriad social and behavioral risk factors that contribute to the public health issue. You will also analyze
the factors that must be considered to successfully implement a targeted and appropriate public health program that aligns with the needs of the population.
The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, Five, and Seven. The final project will be submitted in Module Nine.
In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 Analyze social and behavioral factors associated with increased risk of prevalent public health issues for informing development of appropriate programs
or interventions
 Evaluate public health programs’ use of social and behavioral theoretical approaches for encouraging change and fostering community engagement in
public health strategies
 Assess public health programs for the extent to which they consider social and behavioral factors in addressing public health issues
 Recommend appropriate strategies that consider social and behavioral risk factors for addressing public health issues
 Analyze public health trends for identifying critical public health issues impacting communities
Select a public health program at the local or national level that attempts to address a public health issue, and evaluate the program with regard to how it
addresses social and behavioral risk factors. Your final analysis and recommendations paper must contain the following critical elements:
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction and Background
A. Briefly describe the history of your selected public health issue, as well as trends that have affected its development and impact on the
community. Use peer-reviewed literature to substantiate your findings.
B. What are the key social and behavioral risk factors that need to be considered with regard to this issue? Be sure to support your response with
C. Are these risk factors a result of the public health issue, or do they contribute to it? Be sure to substantiate your response with evidence.
D. To date, what programs or strategies have been employed to address this issue? Be sure to provide specific examples in your response.
E. Of the programs or strategies identified above, to what extent do you feel they demonstrate consideration of social and behavioral risk factors?
Be sure to justify your reasoning.
F. What are the successes or failures of current programs or strategies as they relate to addressing the social and behavioral risk factors that may
contribute to the issue?
G. Which particular public health program will you examine, and what is the rationale behind your choice?
II. Program Description: Describe your selected program, including the target population; the length of time the program has been in place; the entity that
administers the program; how the program was implemented, administered, and communicated; and the strategies the program has used for
addressing the public health issue, as well as the outcomes of the program. Consider as you respond that this information will be critical in order for you
to be able to make recommendations for improving the program.
III. Program Analysis
A. To what extent does the program use theoretical approach(es) to encourage social and behavioral change in the target population? Provide
specific examples to support your response.
B. To what extent does the program use social and behavioral theoretical approach(es) to foster community engagement? Provide specific
examples to support your response.
C. Of the social or behavioral risk factors you previously identified as associated with the public health issue, which are being addressed by the
selected program? Was the program developed specifically to address those factors? Be sure to substantiate your response.
D. By what mechanism(s) and how effectively have the social and behavioral risk factors been addressed in the program?
E. What do data and trends indicate about the program’s efficacy in meeting its intended public health outcome? Be sure to provide specific
evidence from the program to substantiate your response.
F. What are the successes and failures of this particular program? In other words, explain in detail the program’s strengths and weaknesses in
addressing the social and behavioral risk factors associated with the public health issue. If you feel the program has either no successes or no
failures, be sure to justify your reasoning.
G. What do you feel has been the overall impact of the program in addressing the social and behavioral risk factors that contribute to the public
health issue? What public health trends have you noted that helped to form your conclusion? Be sure to support your reasoning.
IV. Recommendations
A. What recommendation(s) would you make for improving the current program? Be sure to support your recommendation with evidence.
B. What theoretical approach(es) might you recommend the program use to more fully engage the community in public health strategies? Be sure
to support your recommendation with evidence.
C. Based on your overall program analysis, what suggestions might you make for a new programmatic approach to addressing the social and
behavioral risk factors associated with the public health issue?
V. Conclusion: Briefly summarize your analysis and recommendations