Homeland Security

Please answer the following question in half a page the other half respond to student I.E. do you agree or disagree with their post to same question below. Reply as if you are speaking to in student in person.


In your opinion, what are the major challenges and obstacles to providing defendable, actionable analysis to homeland security decision makers at state level, and how to overcome them?

Justin POST

The major challenges and obstacles to provide defendable, actionable analysis to homeland security decision makers at the state level, is the sharing of information to develop into a complacent state from the public consciousness, resulting in organizations to falter back into a pre-9/11 position (CSIS 2013). In 2013 the Center for Strategic and International Studies determined the following: “In order to prevent this from occurring, DHS needs to be a forceful advocate for the continued, and potentially even expanded, sharing of intelligence and information (CSIS 2013).” A significant challenge and obstacle at the state level consists of working within a constrained budget while providing valuable shared information for homeland security decision makers. The federal level of government has the resources to successfully conduct intelligence operations and achieve superb information sharing and homeland security initiatives. The state level is operating under a constrained budget and less resources. For state level governments to overcome a constrained budget and positively influence public consciousness, the need for innovative thinking is necessary. A way to mitigate this is to prioritize risk to develop more funding towards the expansion of increased intelligence collection capabilities amongst States. Within these capabilities a direct relationship between Federal and State analyst should be formed through the same clearance and vetting process to ensure a seamless transition of information is formed and actionable analysis to homeland security decision makers is more effective.