Human nature and the blank slate

Unit 1 Writing assignment: 1) Choose to either read “Humbled by History” or to watch at least one of the TED talks videos (you can watch as many as you like). Human Nature and the Blank Slate 10 Myths About Psychology Debunked 2) Then in a typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman paper of at least two pages write a response. Your response should begin with at least one paragraph summarizing what you read/saw followed by a response utilizing at least three of the following criteria: Analyze Analyze the main ideas and purpose of the reading/video(s). First identify the main ideas, and then find examples from the reading/video(s) that support the purpose. Connect Make connections between important ideas or experiences. You can connect to prior knowledge, other books you’ve read, and/or other discussions or assignments you’ve completed. Evaluate Rate the quality of the writing, the narrative, and/or the ideas expressed, etc. Explain the parameters of your rating and your rationale for the rating you give. Extend Pick a main idea from the reading/video(s) and extend it in some way. You can react personally with an opinion in support of or against it. You could ask a series of questions that the reading/video(s) raises for you. Or, you could make correlations to other parts of your educational experience. Illuminate Choose key passages or phrases and expound upon the ideas expressed. Explain what you think each passage or phrase means and why it is important. Opine Express your opinion about the reading/video(s). Explain how you disagree or agree with ideas expressed.