Human Resources

Choose an organisation with which you are familiar. Your chosen organisation has employed you as a consultant. Your brief is to write a 3,000 word consultancy report. This report should:

  • Briefly provide background information about the organisation
  • Describe the human resource approach in force in the organization and the internal and environmental considerations affecting this
  • Identify key strengths and weaknesses in the human resource approach in force in the organization
  • Critically evaluate one specific policy, examining the internal and environmental considerations affecting it and to what extent it addresses these
  • Recommend changes/enhancements to this specific policy and provide a theoretical and practical rationale for these changes/enhancements
  • I want a small company to be chosen
  • I want all references to be relevant and recent
  • I want the report section to have a large section on this “Critically evaluate one specific policy, examining the internal and environmental considerations affecting it and to what extent it addresses these” – please for it NOT to be descriptive
  • The analysis part has the most point- I do not want the report to be descriptive I want it to be analytic
  • Please apply key human resource theories