
Hypertension is also referred to as high blood pressure. The work will describe the group of Americans that is at greater risk of acquiring hypertension, five ways of controlling the conditions and the most outstanding issue that one can learn while interacting with the issue of hypertension.

According to the journal “New England Journal of Medicine” which was published in 2009, the African-Americans are at higher chance of getting hypertension as compared with the other races (McGraw, Pp.8). The hypertension among the African-Americans develops at younger ages. The African-Americans below 50 years of age are 20 times more likely to be affected by hypertension as compared to the white at that age (Josephine, Pp.26). The reasons for African-Americans below 50 years being at a higher risk of being affected by hypertension is because they are less likely to go for regular and routine check up as it always happens to the white.  The whites usually visit the health care and the doctors for routing screening.

The factors which are out of control when it comes to hypertension include: the age, ethnicity and the family’s history. The prevention of the hypertension demands the focus on the risk factors which can be changed. In order for an individual to control hypertension, it is important to maintain a healthy weight. People should try and maintain a normal weight while those with overweight should make sure that they reduce their weight (Josephine, Pp.17). It is necessary to eat a balanced diet because eating healthy food keeps the blood pressure of an individual under control. One should reduce the amount of salt intake because the high the salt the high the blood pressure and vice versa. Finally, one should exercise regularly as physical activities are important.

In conclusion, despite the fact that hypertension can be regarded to be dangerous and deadly in the society, I have learnt that it is possible for us to prevent ourselves from the risks associated with hypertension by exercising regularly, taking little salt, eating balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight and ensuring regular and routine hypertension check ups (Katherine, Pp.23).

Work Cited

Hitner, & Nagle Pharmacology: An Introduction, 6th Edition. 2012. Cambridge University press.
Krisha, M. Ways to Prevent Hypertension. 2014. Oxford University Press

McGraw, H. Calculation of Drug Dosage.s: A Work Text.10th Edition. 2010. Elsevier