Identify global variations of the family including region, religion of choice, and thoughts on how the specific region may lead someone to choose a particular religion.

This assignment reinforces information in your textbook and concepts presented in this unit. Your responses should be thorough, well-conceived college-level responses that are grammatically correct. It is recommended that you work on this assignment as you go complete your unit reading assignment and view the Power Point Presentations. Justify your responses with facts from your reading assignment. Write your answers in complete sentences. Please be sure to write your answers in your words. 1. Identify global variations of the family including region, religion of choice, and thoughts on how the specific region may lead someone to choose a particular religion. 2. Discuss patterns associated with marriage, residence, descent, and authority. 3. Discuss briefly each of the different theories associated with the family such as; Structural Functionalism, Social-Conflict, Feminist Theories, and Symbolic Interactionism. 4. Discuss and identify the stages of family life. 5. Discuss briefly the U.S. family in terms of class, race, and gender. 6. Identify and discuss the transitions and problems in family life. 7. Discuss the impact of technology on the family. 8. Identify future patterns of the family as a social institution. 9. Define religion as an institution. 10. Discuss briefly the Structural Functionalist, Symbolic Interactionist, and Social Conflict approaches and theories to religion. Grading Criteria You will be graded on the accuracy and thoroughness of your responses and on your ability to communicate. Please include some cited work