Identify a specific problem or need to serve as the basis for a strategic plan, such as a process improvement, an organizational initiative, or a change that you could actually implement in a healthcare workplace or community setting.

Identify a specific problem or need to serve as the basis for a strategic plan, such as a process improvement, an organizational initiative, or a change that you could actually implement in a healthcare workplace or community setting. The scope of the strategic plan should be such that it can be accomplished within an eight-week period of time. Write a strategic plan including the following criteria: A three to six page paper with heading levels as explained on page 62 of the APA Manual (6th ed.). Clearly define the problem or need that you have identified and will address through the strategic plan. Background information supporting why this initiative is important and how the strategic plan will bring effective change or improvement. Substantive, current literature should be integrated to validate and provide rationale for your strategic plan. A comprehensive analysis of internal and external factors using the SWOT method described in chapter 16 of the Yoder-Wise textbook. Discuss stakeholders impacted by your chosen initiative. Write a problem statement. Develop one outcome statement for the strategic plan, including SMART characteristics (specific, measurable, realistic, and time- bound) Identify specific activities necessary to facilitate achievement of the stated outcome and congruent with the project scope and eight-week time frame. Establish a plan for evaluation to correspond with your stated outcome. The evaluation plan should specifically and clearly describe how successful achievement of the outcome will be determined. Support your plan with a minimum of three current scholarly sources.