Ikea – Global Sourcing

The research report gives students the opportunity individually to research and report on a contemporary sourcing issue(s) directly relating to their interests. The research topic must be negotiated with the Convenor and approved by Friday September 7th, and may relate to the participant’s workplace or will be selected in conjunction with the Convenor. Students will be expected to draw on all aspects of the course in researching and reporting on the issue(s).
Students will present their research and findings in a report of 3500 -4000 words.
Referencing format is required to be AGPS Harvard,
Reports MUST be submitted electronically via the course website by 5pm

Ikea Global Sourcing
Global Sourcing
Describe a global sourcing initiative by a large organisation. What were the strategic reasons for this program? How did it support organisational objectives. What obstacles existed in the global context that would not have been in place when sourcing from local suppliers? How did the organisation overcome the obstacles? What level of planning occurred ahead of the transition? What third party support or expertise needed to be secured to develop and implement the program?