Imagine you are working at the FairWork Commission in the office of the President, Justice Iain Ross AO.  Justice Ross has asked you and your team to write a report on one of the recent industrial disputes that has impacted on Australian Employment Relations – the SPC Ardmona dispute.  Your report will form the basis of a lecture he is giving a LaTrobe University, entitled: ‘Balancing competing interests:  the case of SPC Ardmona’.

Imagine you are working at the FairWork Commission in the office of the President, Justice Iain Ross AO.  Justice Ross has asked you and your team to write a report on one of the recent industrial disputes that has impacted on Australian Employment Relations – the SPC Ardmona dispute.

Your report will form the basis of a lecture he is giving a LaTrobe University, entitled: ‘Balancing competing interests:  the case of SPC Ardmona’.

Your team should undertake extensive research from academic journals, books, industry sources and the media and write a Report which addresses the following issues and questions:

  1. What was this industrial dispute about?  Provide background information to the factors that lead to the dispute if necessary and explain how the dispute unfolded;
  2. What were the environmental factors contributed to the dispute?
  3. Analyse the dispute from the point of view of three relevant stakeholders or actors in the dispute – the employer, the employees and the Federal Government.  What did they hope to achieve throughout this dispute?  What strategies or tactics did they use to forward their case.
  4. How was the dispute resolved?  Do you think this was an effective resolution for all stakeholders?

To assist you in your research, consider the following sources:

  • ABC ‘Fact File’ see
  • R.B. Sappey, G. Maconachie, J. Sappey and S. Teo (1999) ‘Work Intensification and Social Relations: A study of enterprise agreements in the Queensland food processing industry’, International Journal of Employment Studies, 7(1): 105-124.
  • M Fastenau (1998) ‘The SPC Dispute: A Case of Manufacturing Conflict?’, International Journal of Employment Studies, 6 (1): 103-126.

One student per group should submit the assignment via the LMS, on behalf of their group.  The file should be labelled in the following way:  MGT2EMR_Submitter’sSurname_Submitter’sID.docx (for example, MGT2EMR_ Smith_1234567.docx).  It is extremely important that only one group member submit the assignment, so please ensure that you plan accordingly.

All references material must be appropriately cited in the text of your Report. Include a separate reference section that includes the full citation information. Select a referencing style you are comfortable with, and apply it consistently throughout the report. Note that Wikipedia and similar websites are NOT acceptable sources for this assignment.

Your Report must be typed and have standard margins on all sides. Double-spacing is preferred.

It is essential that your Report be written in a neat, professional, and engaging manner. Check your writing for accuracy in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Convey your ideas in a clear, concise manner, and use appropriate transitions between ideas and sections. La Trobe University has many resources to help you develop your writing skills. Please see the Subject Coordinator or your tutor if you need help.

Please remember that the University takes a very serious view with regard to plagiarism, and you are strongly advised to read the University’s policies on academic integrity. Please be aware that plagiarism is a form of serious academic misconduct and will be penalised accordingly. Plagiarism detection and prevention software (i.e., Turnitin) is used to aid in identifying possible incidences of plagiarism in written assignments.

Extensions will only be given in documented cases of severe illness or emergency, and will be managed through the University Special Consideration process. Such applications must be accompanied by documentation (i.e., doctor’s certificate) and be submitted prior to the due date. Please contact the subject coordinator if you require further information.

Reminder:  Each group is required to submit one assignment to the Turnitin link below.  Please nominate one group member to undertake this task on behalf of the group.  It is very important that only one student from each group makes the submission.