Implementing Sustainable Practices

In this week’s resource, Meadows comments on self-organization—an organization’s ability to change itself by creating new structures and behaviors. Moreover, Meadows notes that self-organization is the strongest form of system resilience. For this 1 page paper, address how the following relate to the concept of sustainability: • Leverage points • Self-limiting behavior • Closed vs. open system • Communication • Resource:Thinking in Systems by Donella H. Meadows o Chapter 6, “Leverage Points—Places to Intervene in a System” o Chapter 6 focuses on the importance of changing the structure of systems to produce more desirable leverage points. In addition, the chapter discusses balancing and reinforcing feedback loops, and the ability to self-organize as the strongest form of system resilience. While reading this chapter, focus on places that you can intervene in your own system. Link to Chapter 6: