“The Importance of Colour on Ancient Marble Sculpture”

For this assignment, you will be reading a work of published art historical research which explores
the original painted state of Classical Greek & Roman sculpture.
The aims of this assignment are:
1. To introduce you to a work of art historical literature published in a peer-reviewed academic
journal (Art History).
2. Explore more the concept that most, if not all, classical sculpture and architecture was
originally painted, unlike it appears to us today.
3. To provide you with the opportunity to develop your analytical skills and to practice reading
with a critical mindset rather than just passively for content.
4. To prepare you better to write your own analysis papers later in the semester (more on this
to come). By giving you an example of persuasive writing to evaluate, you can determine
what argumentative styles are effective and which ones are not as much.
1. Find the selected article on Blackboard à Course Contentà Course Readerà “The
Importance of Colour on Ancient Marble Sculpture”
2. Read the article THE FIRST TIME through for content & keep in mind how it relates to
material covered in Chapter 5.
3. Next, read the article AGAIN from a critical point of view answering the following questions:
a. What is the author’s argument/thesis?
b. Are there any sub-arguments?
c. Is he convincing of his point of view?
d. What evidence does he use to support her findings?
e. Are there holes in his argument or questions left unanswered?
i. If so, what are they and how do they retract from the overall impact of the
f. What could have the author done better?
g. Did you think that this was a well-written article? Why or why not?
i. Did you like it?
ii. Was the writing style smooth & clear?
4. Please record your reactions to the article in full sentence & paragraph form in a 1-2 page
o Put the title of the article in quotation marks, (“…”) whenever you mention it in your paper.
o Write in full sentence, full paragraph form with proper grammar.
o Paper length must be AT LEAST one (1) full page
o Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
o Double-spaced
o 1” margins all around