How important are the differences between Marxist or Gramscian IR theory and liberal IR theory?

1) How important are the differences between Marxist or Gramscian IR theory and liberal IR
2) How convincing is Marxist and/or Gramscian thinking in regards to efforts to contest and
transform contemporary global capitalism?
3) How convincing is the critical theory and/or post structural challenge to realist IR theory?
4) What contribution has critical theory and/or post structural IR theory made to the study of
insecurity in contemporary world politics?
5) What political dynamics does feminist IR theory analyse that realism overlooks? Are these
observations important to understanding contemporary world politics?
6) What contribution has feminist IR theory made to the study of insecurity and inequality in
contemporary world politics?
7) How convincing are the criticisms that Green IR theory makes of realist thought and
8) What has Green IR theory contributed to our understanding of contemporary world
politics and of efforts to address global environmental issues?
9) What contribution does normative IR theory make to the study of world politics that
constructivist IR theory overlooks?
10) Are cosmopolitan proposals to transform world politics a convincing response to the
problems of insecurity and injustice in contemporary world politics?


What the Assessor will be looking for when marking this assignment:
1. Relevance to the question: Ensure your argument addresses the question clearly and
directly. Ensure that the concepts and examples you use are focused on the question
that you are addressing and the argument you are making.
2. Comprehension of Unit Material: ensure that your use of facts is accurate and relevant
concepts and theories are examined. Ensure you demonstrate an understanding of
the weekly required readings of the unit as a whole.
3. Critical analysis: Ensure you develop and sustain a coherent argument that is critical
(examines obvious counterarguments to your argument) and is supported by
providing reasons and evidence to support this position.
4. Evidence: Ensure relevant examples are used. This will require demonstrating careful
analysis of other people’s arguments and being critical of the evidence at hand (this
may require questioning the assumptions of the material you have read).
5. Research: ensure that you use a significant amount of research (especially for larger –
research essays). You should not be overly dependent on web sources – you should
ensure that the number of web sources does not exceed your journal articles and
6. Clear essay structure: it should possess an introduction that sets out how you are
going to answer the question, an essay body that considers evidence and research
and then links these to your point of view, and a conclusion that reinforces your
position in relation to the question.
7. Expression: Writing and grammar should be clear and consistent. Essay structure
should consist of paragraphs of 200 words or so which contains one core idea – avoid
using dot points or ‘mini-paragraphs’.
8. Referencing: One style of referencing should be used throughout when other people’s
ideas are being used. A well-presented bibliography of used sources must be