Indiana Jones and the Raiders Of the Lost Ark (1981)

Please write your Midterm Essay thesis statement and begin creating an outline.

Midterm Essay

The Wizard Of Oz (1939)
Casablanca (1941)
The Bridge Over The River Kwai (1957)
My Fair Lady (1964)
Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977)
Indiana Jones and the Raiders Of the Lost Ark (1981)
Toy Story I (1995)
Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone (2001)
Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
Select and watch one film from the proceeding list.

Write a 2,250-word essay in which you locate Jungian archetypes: the self, the ego, the shadow, the persona, the anima/animus, the hero, and the pattern of the hero’s journey.

This essay is not about the film, as much as it is about Jungian archetypes. Feel free to incorporate anything else we covered in the first half of the semester (Modules 1–6) if those ideas come up in viewing the film.

I know these films very well, so I do not want a synopsis. Instead, write about archetypal concepts and how those concepts relate to the film. What archetypes do the characters in the film represent? What do they tell you about the human psyche?

For instance, how is the shadow archetype represented and how does it operate? What is its relationship to other archetypes in the film, like the relationship between the hero (ego) and the villain (shadow)? If there is more than one shadow, or more than one hero, how do these character differ and why are they necessary.

Does the plot follow the hero’s journey perfectly or are there differences? If there are places where the plot veers away from the hero’s journey, what changes about the storyline or archetypes?

Your Midterm Essay should have three parts:

Introduction with theses
A body with well constructed paragraphs linking one to another
A conclusion in which you make your point
To finalize your thesis and begin working on the structure of the Midterm Essay. This essay will demonstrate your understanding of Jungian archetypes and practice identifying those archetypes in popular culture. Use critical thinking skills.

Word-processing software (MS Word, Google Docs, etc.)
Due Date
This exercise is due at the end of this module. The Midterm Essay is due by the end of Module 7, at the same time as your Midterm Exam.

Submission Directions
Please format your Midterm Essay document:

Arial (font)
12-point type
1-inch borders
You may illustrate your essay, but the word-count must still be 2,250.

If you have references, footnotes, or endnotes, please use MLA citation style.

Use the Submit button to post your Midterm Essay as a DOC or PDF file (In Assignment 7.1).

Please use the following file naming convention:

First Initial_ Last name_ Midterm Essay
For example:

JDoe_MidtermEssay.doc (.pdf)