Individual Market Research Portfolio

Task Details/Description:
The portfolio consists of two separate elements:
1. Market Research (MR) Proposal: Design a research project relating to a chosen
marketing problem.
2. Market Research (MR) Report: Collect and analyse secondary data (both
quantitative and qualitative) and report the findings of the market research.
Detailed guidelines on the steps involved in the task are available at the end of this
document. Advice on how to conduct and prepare both components, will also be contained
within lectures and tutorials.
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:
1. Design a market research project, taking into account such factors as sampling and
ethical conduct
2. Undertake and complete quantitative market research
3. Undertake and complete qualitative market research
4. Analyse, collate and report quantitative and qualitative market research
Presentation Requirements:
Word Count: 3,000 words (MR Proposal = 1,000 words; MR Report = 2,000 words)
Font Size: 12pt
Line Spacing: Optional
Submission Date & Time:
Monday 29th April 2019 (12:00 Noon)
Assessment Weighting for the Module:
100% Individual Portfolio (MR Proposal 30%; MR Project 70%)