Individual Project: Letter of Support or Opposition to Proposed Law

Individual Project: Letter of Support or Opposition to Proposed Law 8 points
As noted in the Course Schedule each student shall post in the dropbox full 1-2 page letter of support or opposition to a “proposed” (currently pending) health related law (i.e, Global preferred but Federal, State or Local will be accepted) via Appropriate Assignment Folder/Drop Box. I recommend a 2 page letter as it will allow you to fully express yourself
a. Each student shall use a “proposed” (pending) law. The proposal shall be current awaiting approval anywhere globally as long as it is health related. Students may find proposed legislation globally, in the United States, individual States, County or City/Town. Proposed legislation may be obtained by requesting copies of upcoming agendas from the respective legislative body. For local (county and city laws) they are called “proposed” ordinances (do not use resolutions since they are legally deemed only temporary measures subject to change). At the Federal and State levels there are various sites and Group should begin with congressional or legislative committee agendas to find out what is being considered. A good place to start is by watching the news. Remember: health related is a very broad term (e.g., seat belts, obesity, gun laws etc) For Florida laws a good resource to begin with can be found at:
b. The form of the Letter of Support or Opposition to a “proposed” (pending) law shall be similar to that found in the Additional Resources section of Blackboard on how to write letters of support or opposition. Additionally, the letter shall address briefly in the narrative substantive arguments of concerned interest groups taking the opposite position or are opposing the “pending law.”
The letter shall:
• be properly addressed to an appropriate legislative official; (this could be found on the actual document, if not research the pending law you have chosen and see to whom you can address it too.
• include a subject line identifying the subject of the letter and the direction you desire the elected official to side on (e.g., RE: Passage of HB xxxx);
• all statements in the narrative shall be factual
• all sources shall be properly cited and referenced in APA Style (see: Group Project below for more on APA Style). Authoritative sources are defined as books, peer reviewed journals, education and government sites as well as non-partisan national or international organizations (such as WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS etc)
a. Grading Rubric: In order to receive full points this Project submission shall:be timely submitted
1. properly identify proposed legislation
2. submit a 1-2 page maximum length letter properly addressed to the appropriate legislative elected official
3. include a subject line identifying the subject of the letter and the direction you desire the elected official to side on
4. the letter shall provide the elected official with statistics and authoritative sources to support your oppsotion or favor
5. properly cite and reference all sources APA style and
6. the narrative shall be factually
Penalties for late submissions: If this assignment is not submitted upon the due date a zero will be the final grade