Integrated Model Budget

You will complete the first seven components of the Sorenson-Goldsmith Integrated Budget
Model, a Site-Based Decision Making process described in Chapter 3 of Sorenson and
Goldsmith (2018).
For each component, make sure you answer the underlined questions. Feel free to address other
questions in the prompts. You should have approximately 1-2 paragraphs for each section (four
sections total).
Component 1 and 2: Defining and Selecting Stakeholders
Reflect on the stakeholders represented in your school’s site-based decision-making team. Who
do you think should be represented on the school’s site-based decision-making team and why
(provide a bulleted list and at least one paragraph to describe your answer)? Are there individual
roles that you would consider adding or removing? Is one type of role under- or overrepresented?
How are individuals selected to serve on your school’s site-based decision-making team and how
do you think stakeholders for each role should be selected? For each role that you have
identified, how many individuals would be recommended for that role? What types of
individuals do you think should be represented in each role? Consider the fact that emphasizing
diversity on the site-based decision-making team will help the team reflect your school and
community population. How will you accomplish this diversity? Finally, does your school
currently offer training to site-based decision-making team and do you have recommendations
about adding or removing training? How long do you recommend that committee member terms
Component 3 and 4: Data Gathering (Needs Assessment) and Analysis
Briefly describe the data used to support the needs assessment in your school’s Campus
Improvement Plan (CIP). Do you feel sufficient data has been collected and analyzed to assess
the needs on your campus, given the recommendations presented in Sorenson and Goldsmith
(2018)? What data would you recommend be included in the needs assessment component of
your school’s CIP (consider both categories of data, as outlined in Chapter 2 of SG and the
specific sources of data, as outlined in Chapter 3 of SG)? What data might need to be
disaggregated? What conclusions can be drawn from the data presented in your school’s CIP? Is
there any data missing from your school’s CIP that may help determine the extent to which your
school is accomplishing its mission and vision? Download additional data about your school
from the Texas Education Agency website that you feel might be relevant to your school’s needs
assessment. Create APA-formatted tables to display this information. You may include the data
you used in Assignment 2.
Component 5: Needs Prioritization
What needs are identified in your school’s Comprehensive Needs Assessment? Are there other
needs that you may consider adding? What do you see as the highest priority needs for your
Component 6 and 7: Goal Setting and Performance Objectives
Review the goals and performance in your school’s CIP. Do you feel that the fulfillment of your
school’s performance objectives would address the school goals (i.e., how well are performance
objectives tied to the goals? Provide specific examples)? What other performance objectives
would you consider adding to better align the performance objectives to the goals?