Intelligence Revolution- How Ebay will Evolve

Define how the brand- Ebay will evolve in the next 5-10 years as the marketplace makes radical changes.
Make sure to have ownership of several key terms: (a) Information Revolution, (b) Intelligence Revolution, (c) Internet of Things, (d) Big Data, (e) Artificial Intelligence, (f) Augmented Reality, (g) Virtual Reality, (h) robotics, (i) drones, plus a few other terms that help explain how the brand’s consumer marketplace is changing.
Explain (a) the projected changes in the overall global marketplace during the next 5-10 years [NOTE: This is a global view of all marketing for all products world-wide–it does not relate only to your one featured brand] and (b) how the brand you are featuring could respond to the predicted changes in order to remain a leader in their competitive industry.

PLEASE USE GRAPHICS throughout paper