Interaction between different societies has always been part of the human experience, but the nature and scale of these relationships increased dramatically after 1500 C.E.

ESSAY 1 “When Worlds Collide”

Interaction between different societies has always been part of the human experience, but the nature and scale of these relationships increased dramatically after 1500 C.E. The fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were eras of Western global expansion. By the eighteenth century, Western exploration and colonization had created a global trade network. Overseas expansion brought the Eastern and Western hemispheres (Old World and New World) into contact, resulting in the exchange of peoples, ideas, cultures, and goods, significantly changing both worlds.
Read the document “The Role of Disease in History” as preparation for writing this essay.
Read the opposing viewpoints document: “The March of Civilization.”
Most importantly, read the document “The Columbian Exchange.”
Watch John Green’s “The Black Legend, Native Americans, and Spaniards”: Crash Course US History #1 and “The Columbian Exchange”: Crash Course World History #23:
Identify at least two outside sources to support your argument (with appropriate citations).
Write a well-organized essay with a minimum of 1000 to 1200 words (3 to 4 pages double-spaced) in which you address the following:
PROMPT: Analyze and discuss the material that has been assigned, and address the following statement: “There are some scholars who would argue that “the Age of Discovery” should be called “the Age of Destruction.” Discuss if you agree or disagree with the statement.