Intertextual Study Comparative Analysis Essay

Please open up the ‘Intertextual Study Comparative task’ file first and read through it carefully. It makes reference to specific files attached that must be looked at in order to complete this task successfully. Please refer to the ‘Intertextual Analysis Study Notes’ file and use the notes succinctly to cover the required aspects for different areas of the essay. You will need to look through the notes carefully to discern what is applicable for the first body paragraph and what is applicable for the second. You may also need to conduct further analysis of the article and video and provide textual evidence, which the notes do not include. Obviously, you will not be able to cover all of the aspects of both the film and article. Therefore, you must prioritise ensuring you consider what is the same and what is different about the texts. Remember that your comparison will be most effective if you treat the texts with equal importance and attention to the word count. You should construct your response in order to compare the texts throughout as opposed to analysing the texts separately and then considering them together at the conclusion.