Intervention and Evaluation Plan


Guidelines & Scoring Rubric



The purpose of this assignment is to assist students in developing an intervention and evaluation plan for their Capstone Project. Both intervention and evaluation are integrated in this paper to help students appreciate the importance of tying them together.


Total Points Possible: 125


  1. This plan follows a logical trajectory, starting with objectives. Add this paper to the proposal template you used in the Weeks 2 and 3 assignments. Use a separate paragraph or two for each of the following sections.
  2. Begin with the bolded heading, “Intervention and Evaluation Plan,” and write an introductory statement. Then state the long-term and short-term objectives of your Project. Long-term, what would you like to leave your mentor and practicum site? What will be your contribution to their success? Short-term, what objectives will you need to achieve to meet your long-term goal. (My long term objective is to improve knowledge of pressure ulcer care among nurses. My short term objectives include developing an evidenced care pathway for pressure ulcer care and developing a case study to measure knowledge of pressure ulcer care)
  3. Describe your practicum site and your stakeholders–those who will be affected by your intervention. Remind your reader what your educational problem or issue is and how your practicum site, administration, students, or staff are affected. (practicum site is virtual and online, stakeholders are peers and faculty)
  4. Select a change model to guide the implementation of your project and how it is related to your intervention.
  5. Outline each step in your intervention with a numbered list of what you will do, step by step.
  6. Complete and attach the NR621 Teaching Plan, available in ModulesàCourse Resources, for any teaching or presentations you will carry out. You will either teach a session to students or you will make a presentation to the staff about a practice change, depending on the nature of your Capstone Project. Add the teaching plan to the paper as an appendix.
  7. Relate each step of the change model to steps of your intervention with a table, with steps in the change model on the right and steps in your intervention on the right.
  8. Describe the outcome variables you are using. How will you know that your intervention was effective? Make sure that your PICOT question and outcome variables are consistent. You may need to alter your PICOT question at this stage to make sure you are measuring the appropriate outcomes.
  9. Attach any evaluation tools you will use. You need to know before implementation how you will measure your success. You may amend your evaluation tools right before you implement your project but need to identify early how you will evaluate your project.
  10. Add any additional references you have used to the reference list.
  11. The paper should be 2 to 4 pages long, plus reference page entries. This is an estimate to guide you and not a strict requirement. The goal is for you to end up with a 15-page document suitable for publication when you have finished your Capstone Project in NR522.

Preparing the paper

Reminder: You will add the Intervention and Evaluation Plan to the Review of Literature after first making any of the updates or corrections requested by your instructor. The faculty believes this is so important that you should lose points on the paper if you don’t make these corrections.

Additionally, you should use first person in this section of your proposal. Saying “I” is okay but you could call yourself a project manager; then you would say “the project manager.” Using phrases such as “this student” or “this author” is very awkward!


Grading Rubric



Assignment Criteria Exceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance

Content = 105 points  






Long-term and short-term objectives 15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points  
Describes realistic and well-formulated long-term and short-term objectives of the project. Describes long-term and short-term objectives of the project and they are for the most part realistic and well-formulated Describes long-term and short-term objectives of the project but they are unrealistic or are not well-formulated Describes long-term and short-term objectives of the project but they neither realistic nor well-formulated Does not describe any long-term and short-term objectives of the project.  
Practicum site and stakeholders


15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points  
Describes practicum site and stakeholders and how they are affected by the educational problem or issue thoroughly. Partially describes practicum site and stakeholders and how they are affected by the educational problem or issue thoroughly. Barely describes practicum site and stakeholders and how they are affected by the educational problem or issue thoroughly. Briefly describes practicum site and stakeholders but not how they are affected by the educational problem or issue t Does not describe the  practicum site and stakeholders or how they are affected by the educational problem or issue.  
Change model


15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points  
Describes a change model applicable to the project and relates each step in the change model with each step of the intervention. Describes a change model applicable to the project and somewhat relates each step in the change model with each step of the intervention. Describes a change model applicable to the project and barely relates each step in the change model with each step of the intervention. Briefly and vaguely describes a change model applicable to the project and the relationship between each step in the change model and each step of the intervention. Does not describe a change model applicable to the project or the steps of the intervention.  
Intervention plan, step by step


15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points  
Lists each step of the intervention with a numbered list. The intervention plan is consistent with the change model and is displayed with a table. Lists each step of the intervention with a numbered list. The consistence between the intervention is somewhat unclear in the description and table. Lists each step of the intervention with a numbered list. The consistence between the intervention is very unclear in the description and table. Lists each step of the intervention with a numbered list but did not relate the plan to a change model in the description and table. Does not provide a numbered list or description of the steps of the intervention or a table.  
Attaches completed teaching plan to the end of the project.


20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points  
Provides complete detail in the teaching plan, sufficient to guide others about the class or presentation. Provides some detail in the teaching plan, somewhat sufficient to guide others about the class or presentation..


Provides incomplete detail in the teaching plan, insufficient to guide others about the class or presentation..


Teaching plan is very incomplete Missing the teaching plan in the appendices


Outcome variables


25 points 22 points 20 points 10 points 0 points  
Describes the method by which the outcome(s) will be measured and attaches evaluation documents as appendices  (e.g. a quiz, survey, checklist, or rubric) used to evaluate the outcomes.

Evaluation tools are consistent with the PICOT question.

NOTE: Student may alter the PICOT question, if appropriate, to assure consistence with the outcome variable(s).

Describes the method by which the outcome(s) will be measured but the description is unclear AND attaches evaluation documents  as  appendices  (e.g. a quiz, survey, checklist, or rubric) used to evaluate the outcomes


Evaluation tools are consistent with the PICOT question.


Describes the method by which the outcome(s) will be measured briefly

But either fails to  attach evaluation documents (e.g. a quiz, survey, checklist, or rubric) OR evaluation tools are not   consistent with the PICOT question.


Describes the method by which the outcome(s) will be measured but does not attach  evaluation documents (e.g. a quiz, survey, checklist, or rubric) used to evaluate the outcomes AND evaluation  methods are not consistent with the PICOT question.


Does not describe the outcome(s) to be used in the Capstone Project or provide evaluation documents.



Possible Points = 20







Grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points  
Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are used, with no more than 1-2 errors. Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are used, with no more than 3-4 errors. Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are used to some extent, with no more than 5-6 errors. Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are not used; assignment contains 7-9 errors. Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are not used; assignment contains 10 or more errors.  
APA title page, citations, and reference page 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
Proper APA format is used, with no more than 1-2 errors. Proper APA format is used, with no more than 3-4 errors. Proper APA format is used to some extent, with no more than with 5-6 errors. Proper APA format is not used, with no more than 7-9 errors. Assignment contains 10 or more errors in APA format..
    Total _____of 125 points