An Investigation into the causes of workplace Conflict and the types of Conflict Management Practices Used in the Hospitality Industry

iew questions for managers:

What would you say is the biggest reason for workplace conflict? Why not plural, just singular?
Do you have any systems in place to aid in detecting and managing the problem? What system do you have? and separate into 2 questions re detecting on one side, and managing the issue on the other side
Do you make use of alternative dispute mechanisms to manage the issue? What do you mean by alternative? Getting some support from outside the company? Maybe ask For what kind of dispute have you used alternative dispute mechanisms? This would give you some more detailed data.
What is the duty of line managers when handling the problem? Role instead of duty? Maybe asking them as well what kind of support they get and from whom?
Have you trained the line managers to detect and manage workplace conflict? Why not asking them if they have themselves been trained and what is provided in their organisation (and how to get access to this provision) instead?
Do you give any other assistance to the line managers to enable them address workplace conflict? I think my previous recommendations would already cover this?

Questionnaire for workers/employees:

1. What factors do you think have the greatest potential to make you clash with your fellow employees? See my comment above in the first part of my email re this.

2. Why do you consider these factors to be the most significant?

3. What systems does your enterprise use to manage conflicts at your workplace? Ask for procedures/mecanisms are in place rather than calling it systems I think.

4. What alternative dispute resolution mechanisms do you use at your workplace? Same comments as for the managers questionnaire.

5. What role do line managers (for instance supervisors) play to resolve conflicts in your workplace?

6. Do you think that the line managers have training to handle the problem of workplace conflicts? Ask if they believe their managers have a sufficient level of competency or access to relevant support when required instead I think. Maybe in 2 separate questions.

7. Do you think alternative dispute mechanisms would be valuable in helping to address workplace conflicts? Maybe more broadly ask them if they have some recommendations for additional recommendations to their companies for a better management of conflicts?

8. Would you consider line managers to be more effective in addressing conflicts between employees? Who are the different parties involved in resolving a conflict in your company and to what extent do you think this is effective may work better as a question here.

9. Do you think the line managers are capable of dealing with the problem if given the opportunity or do you feel the need for more training? Already covered in question 6 with my comment?

DescriptionAn Investigation into the causes of workplace Conflict and the types of Conflict Management Practices
Used in the Hospitality Industry

Its a HRM Dissertation. I have uploaded the handbook for the dissertation with the requirements of the university as to its format and structure and my proposal of the masters. Even though I have scrapped the interviews I proposed to use and decided to stay with the questionnaires only as a method- however this too can be discussed further. Not sure on how many sources exactly