These issues are great–but they need too be placed in an organizational context. In other words, choose one, maybe two companies so that you have some policies and practices to evaluate and relate to the topic. Show attachments

Cultural diversity in the work force serves to promote acceptance, respect, and teamwork regardless of an employee’s race, age, gender, native language, political beliefs, religion, or sexual orientation. There is a myriad of reasons as to why corporate America has become less and less diverse. When a corporation embraces diversity, and makes it a part of their fundamental values and deliberate business goals, it opens avenues towards greater returns not only for the corporation but also for its employee’s and communities they serve. Having a diverse workforce promotes process and product innovation from having employees that come from a wide variety of demographics and backgrounds. Unfortunately, the more diverse a workplace becomes, the more issues that arise. This paper will examine some of the cultural diversity issues, as well as, ways to resolve those issues.
I. Acceptance and respect: Conflicts can arise when there is a lack of acceptance in cultural diversity and the beliefs that different employees hold. To resolve this issue a company can offer diversity training to teach employees how to understand, accept, and respect other people’s differences.
II. Accommodation of beliefs: There can be conflict between different employees cultural, spiritual, and political beliefs. This can be resolved by having employees keep their personal beliefs separate from their work responsibilities and duties.
III. Ethnic and cultural differences: This can serve as a conflict when employees hold a prejudice against other employees who have different ethnic, cultural, and religious beliefs. This can be resolved by offering cultural sensitivity training and diversity awareness programs.
IV. Gender equality: This conflict exists when there is a gap between men and women. This can be resolved by maintaining equality and ensuring that men and women are treated equally during the hiring process, salary, opportunities, and promotions.
V. Physical and mental disabilities: People who have disabilities may find it difficult to navigate through the workplace due to poor accommodations. This can be resolved by ensuring the workplace creates a fair and comfortable environment for all employees.
VI. Generation gaps: This can be seen when there is a more diverse age group within the workplace. This may result in social circles that lead to some employees being isolated from the team. This can be resolved by creating an environment that promotes open communication, thus bridging the gaps between generations.
VII. Language and communication: The more diverse a work force becomes, the more barriers that may exist in communications. This can be resolved by providing language training.