Journal Entry

Journal Entry 1

The well-known management consultant and writer, Stephen Covey (2004), has written that one of the seven habits of highly effective people is to “begin with the end in mind” (p. 95).

For this journal entry:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • As you begin your doctoral journey, visualize the day that your receive your degree. Your family is there with you at the commencement. You are about to hear your name called from the stage. Upon hearing your name, you will step across to where your mentor and the dean of your school will put on your doctoral hood. Then you will walk to where the president of Capella will hand you your diploma and you will turn to face your fellow graduates and their families. What thoughts are going through your head? How are you feeling?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Covey, S. (2004). Seven habits of highly effective people. New York, NY: Free Press.



Journal Entry 2 – My Ideal Organizational Role

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • Think about your organization and the role you would most like to play in it.
    • How-and to what extent, if at all-does the description of the scholar-practitioner role in this unit resonate with you in the role to which you aspire?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.



Journal Entry 3 – My Organization as a System

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • What makes your organization a system that you will be able to change?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 4 – Organizational Strengths

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • Describe three important strengths that your organization can boast of that will contribute to its future success.
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 5 – Plus/Delta of My Experience

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes carrying out the following activity:
    • Review the Plus/Delta technique.
    • Build a Plus/Delta diagram for your experiences so far in this program.
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 6 – Organizational Improvement

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on these points:
    • Describe three areas of your organization where the processes could be improved.
    • Select one area and describe briefly how you would proceed to change it.
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 7 – Influencing My Organization

For this assignment, complete the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on these questions:
    • What makes your organization a system that you will be able to change?
    • How did the ideas from Unit 7 help in your thinking?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 8 – AI and Critical Thinking

For this journal entry, think about what you have learned so far with regard to the affirmative perspective in approaching educational issues and the principles of critical thinking.

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • Is there a contradiction?
    • How can a leader-manager be both affirming and critical?
    • How can the two approaches be integrated in your career?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 9 – My Role as an Action Scientist

When you do your doctoral capstone as an action project, you will be bringing about some improvement in the processes of your organization.

For this journal entry:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • Describe your role as an action scientist in your organization.
    • Describe three areas of your organization whose processes could be improved.
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.