Labor Relations & Performance Management

Deliverable Length: 5-7 slides + title and reference slides with speaker notes of 200-250 words pre slide.
Respond to the following scenario: (Fictitious company) is an online retailer that currently has 1,500 employees and warehouse operations in New York, Nebraska, and Nevada. The company is prospering and has decided to expand its operations globally by opening a new warehouse in South Korea, with hopes of continued expansion into Europe.
To open the new warehouse, management staff will be transferred from the company’s current locations. They will also have to hire approximately 500 warehouse personnel and a logistics manager. South Korea is proving to be a very competitive environment for online retailers. The human resources (HR) staff must develop a workforce plan that can create a competitive advantage for SaharaOasis. All functional areas of HR will be involved in making this expansion a success. As the human resources director for SaharaOasis, you will be held responsible for planning, managing, and presenting information to the vice president (VP) of HR and the board of directors for the organization.
Assignment details: A structured performance management strategy is necessary at SaharaOasis. As part of this strategy, a new performance appraisal tool needs to be developed for warehouse associates, as well as the management staff. Your recommendation must be presented to the vice president (VP) of human resources in a PowerPoint presentation for her review.
• Review the different performance appraisal tools, and make a recommendation for a tool to be used with warehouse associates and a tool to be used with management personnel.
• Why did you choose the tools that you did? What impact will they have on the organization’s HR information systems (Internet, telecommunications and networks, software, hardware, data, simulations, e-learning)?
• How would the tools be introduced in the work environment?
• What role will these tools play in performance management?
• What role do they play in avoiding litigation?
• How would you assess the effectiveness of the tools?
Assignment Objectives
• Discuss various performance appraisal systems, the legal and ethical issues associated with performance and rewards, and the critical training needs for managers and employees for performance improvement.
Examine, assess, and evaluate strategies and methods for determining employee training, development and performance needs.