LAW Similar to affordable care act

directions on the document- I stand for universal healthcare
create an Act to replace the ACA. Do not attempt to fold in Medicare or Medicaid recipients, but create a federal health plan that would cover as many people as possible. The philosophy of your Plan will be critical to its structure. No numbers, legislative rules, etc. Simply outline who will be covered, your goal for monthly premium payments, goal for annual deductibles, what is covered/what isn’t, and a general discussion of how to pay for it.

Don’t get stuck in the weeds. The idea is to understand the complexities and nuances of trying to cover as many people as possible within reason.
Furrow Health Law CH 10: The Affordable Care Act (ACA, or “Obamacare”), pages 407-438.
Obamacare and the Middle Class;
Heritage Foundation 2016 Report on ACA (long article–hit the highlights);
For your reference only: In December, a Texas federal judge ruled that the ACA was unconstitutional (Case 4:18-cv-00167-O). Because an appeal is pending (and the judge has stayed his own ruling) we won’t cover this in detail. The ruling is published here. Click for more options
Here are two good articles regarding the case, the ruling, and the potential:

Texas Judge Strikes Down Obama’s Affordable Care Act as Unconstitutional
Federal Judge Strikes Down Entire ACA; Law Remains In Effect