Legitimate and politicized religions

Although the Americans claim to highly religious society with ninety two percent of the people professing to believe in universal spirit or God, the belief does not translate into the knowledge of others or our own faith. The knowledge gap is necessary in differentiating between the politicized and legitimate religion (Brubaker, 2011).  According to the study, “Why religious education matters” and “Reactive Politicization and Religious Dissidence: The Political Mutations of the Religious,” the knowledge gap politicized and legitimate religion has real world impacts. The knowledge gap between the two religions have hindered the ability to evaluate religious from religious groups or political candidates, shallow world events and criticism claims of religious leaders preaching hatred and intolerance in the world (Fader, 2009). As a matter of fact, the work will illustrate how understanding the Abrahamic religions knowledge gap shall be of great importance in distinguishing the politicized religion and legitimate religious claims.

Religion is thriving in most of the contemporary democracies. In United States, the religion is characterized by low institutions confidence despite the fact that the Catholic Church is among the most trusted religion. According to Smith, nationalism is a new religion of the people binding repetitively, ritually and collectively. The religion on the other hand is a system of practices and beliefs which distinguishes the sacred from the wicked and unites its followers in a single moral community of the faithful (Bloomfield, 2005). The new religion competes parallel with the national heroes. It is the religious quality of politics that explain the emotional and durability of the depth, scope and intensity of the loyalties and feelings. Therefore, closing the religious knowledge gap would be a significant step towards lessening the problems associated with both legitimate and politicized religion in the world.

As a matter of fact, both the agnostics and atheists are the most known religious group that knows much about the religion in the public life. The Christians are ranked the highest in dealing with the aspects of Christianity and the bible. On the other hand, the Jews are ranked the highest in matters relating to the world religions (Geertz, 2000). The American agnostics are the people who grew up in rich religious tradition but consequently gave it up after study and great deal of reflection. As a result, the Americans have to learn much about the world religions in order to close the gap that exists between the politicized and legitimate religion.  According to the recent study, only twenty seven of the Americans understand that Indonesia is a Muslim nation.  Hence, by closing the Knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religion one would be a better position to understand the religion background and traditions.

Understanding the religion knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religion will assists in understanding the religious traditions of other believers. It would enable us to realize that we are a nation founded on a separate state and church.  The separation of the state and church according to the constitution was done in order to protect the religious liberty rather than forbidding religious practice. The move has encouraged religious practice and belief flourishing over the centuries (Haferkamp & Smelser, 2010). The beliefs are usually expressed either in private of personal ways. Nonetheless, the religious community also participates in public life aspects especially in political field. Most of the religious institutions will advocate for social justice and fight for the rights of their communities. Some people of faith are involved in making decisions in regard to poverty eradication, environment and immigrations. The religious leaders are also involved in politics, legislation reforms and same-sex marriage. The American religious groups have the role of shaping or influencing the social issues and views. The different religious groups normally agree and disagree with each in matters social and religious matters.

It is therefore significant for the public to be informed about religion democracy and the various teaching of diverse faith in order to be at a better position to relate politics and religion in aspects such as global warming (Haferkamp & Smelser, 2010). It is also important to differentiate theology from politics in order to be at a better position of expressing one’s faith based on doctrine intrusion on the citizenry diversity. The significance of understanding the diverse religious traditions and teaching are important in determining the legitimacy of the religious claims.

Closing the knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religions would be an important move in understanding the cultures and religions of different nations around the world. Basically, we live within a globalized community where borders no longer exist and where the religion has become a powerful for social cohesion, division and violence (Lewis & Rogers, 2008). Since time immemorial, human beings have been encouraged to act economically, politically and militarily by their priests, scriptures and gods. Hence, without the society understanding of the different gods existence it is hard to differentiate the different religions. It therefore means that it is fundamental to understand a nation’s religion as a means of expressing its culture, type of governance and the nation’s geography.

It is important to understand lack of religious teachings and education has significant consequences. The fact that the Christian groups knows little about Islamic there has always been conflict between the two religions groups (Malinowski & Redfield, 2015). According to a research survey conducted recently, only fifty five percent of the Americans know about the Islamic teaching and they therefore believes that there is high chance for the Muslims in the world to encourage violence. Nonetheless, closing the knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religions would enable the Christian groups to understand and believe that the Muslims are compatible to the western democracy and values and that the religion teaches peace rather than violence.

The importance of religious education and literacy would enable the society to close the knowledge gap between politicized and legitimate religion because the different religious groups would be in position to understand that the Quran and bible teaching may be taught in classrooms as a kind of literature. The religious education would enable the society with appropriate understanding on both world religions and Christianity hence eliminating the conflicts which currently exists (Gross, 2013).  The religious study in most of the learning institutions would enable the society to understand the religion interdisciplinary of the religious practices and beliefs and how they affect the world economies, politics, culture and history. Furthermore, closing the religious knowledge gap would eliminate the existing religious conflict across the world. Therefore, the Americans have believes that instead of banning Islamic or the Qur’an they should be willing to learn from it.

Religious diversity is therefore a fundamental aspect of cultural diversity which educators should take seriously in the different pedagogies.  All religions in the world normally produce a certain religious chauvinism as a result of universal human weaknesses. Nevertheless, it is the monotheisms religion group which has raised the hostility diversity in a theological principle. It is difficult for all believers to accept the belief that one universal deity controls and created the world and continue believing that the deity necessitates the world to abide by one religion be exercised and practiced by all the human beings (Fader, 2009). There has been monotheism condemnation by other religions as they consider the religion to be oppressive in nature.

Therefore, it has been important to understand that the world religion can be divided into two based on the believers attitudes toward other religious groups. The universalized religious groups have set of practices and messages which are universally important regardless of time and culture. The universal religious group tends to create ideology which might convert other members from other religious groups towards their beliefs (Rita, 2009). The universal religion is more common to people from the western cultures rather than in their counterparts. As a matter of fact, it is important to understand that there is no religion that is superior to the other because will all comes from different cultures. There is also an acceptable system of myth, belief and ritual that members of a certain religion shall not be judge by their level of participation is a certain culture or religion but by their convention of the belief.

The earlier Judaism is among the religions which were characterized with ethno-religion. During the early period only the ancient Israelites were expected to observe the Israelites practices and beliefs. There was no need to spread the beliefs to non-Israelite communities. The question of universal deity has continued to divide the different faiths according to their scriptures supremacy (Thorn, 2010). It is important to know that by closing the knowledge gap between the world religion legitimacy and politicization we would be in a better position to understand why some religions claim to be uniquely and universally relevant. The understanding of the truth in regard to the various religions will make unusual difficulties in the modern pluralistic world.

In conclusion, the religious pluralism philosophy needed in the modern society is more daring because it goes beyond the tolerance of differences. Christianity is a religion that genuinely understands the differences within the world’s religions. Nevertheless, in closing the knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religion would provide clarity that there is no single religion that is superior to the other and they should never cause psychological distress and stress to the believers.


Bloomfield, D. (2005). Reconciliation after violent conflict: A handbook. Stockholm: Int. IDEA.

Brubaker, R. (2011). Religion and Nationalism: Four Approach. New York; New York Publishers.

Geertz, C. (2000). The interpretation of cultures: Selected essays. New York, NY: BasicBooks.

Gross, R.(2013). Religious Diversity: Some Implications for Monotheism.  Cross Currents Journal. Vol. 4(1), Pp. 23-34.

Haferkamp & Smelser,  (2010). Social change and modernity. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Lewis & Rogers, (2008).  Spotswood Collection. Islam and the West. Oxford University Press.

Malinowski & Redfield, (2015). Magic, science and religion. Mansfield Centre, CT: Martino Publishing.

Rita,G.(2009).Reactive Politicization  and Religious Dissidence: The Political Mutations of the Religious. Religious politicization Journal. Vol.1(2), Pp.34-49.

Thorn, B. (2010).Why Religious Education Matters: Center for American Progress. Retrieved from: https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/religion/news/2010/10/25/8564/why-religious-education-matters/

Fader, A. (2009). Mitzvah girls: Bringing up the next generation of Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn. Princeton: Princeton University Press.