What level of responsibility do we have for looking after objects from the past? Should these items be on display and risk deterioration or should they be stored away in a dark environment for ideal preservation? What are the consequences to either choice?

Needs to be 300 words or more
1. What level of responsibility do we have for looking after objects from the past? Should these items be on display and risk deterioration or should they be stored away in a dark environment for ideal preservation? What are the consequences to either choice?
2. What level of responsibility does a museum or preservation site have to return cultural items to their origin? (remember the cultural theft in the Book of the Dead film) Should items be returned? What are the arguments for and against? What might be the social, economic and cultural consequences (positive and negative)?
3. Identify an Egyptian belief or practice that stood out to you from the Book of the Dead video. Why did this point strike you and how might it compare to common ideas or beliefs practiced today? Offer specific details.
A Quality Answer will support your points with specific examples to show that you are indeed learning about the topic.

After reading Pages 64-100 in the texbook
Needs to be 300 words or more

After learning about ancient India, the Minoans and early ancient Greece, discuss which parts (at least two) of your exploration of the topics you enjoyed most. Why? Offer specific examples to support your answer. Reference the textbook and videos help expand on your answer.
Please use paragraphs to separate the examples to support your answer.