locate and identify a recent news article from a reputable (e.g. Nationally-recognized, authored) news source; recent as in published no earlier than six months prior to the due date

locate and identify a recent news article
from a reputable (e.g. Nationally-recognized, authored) news source;
recent as in published no earlier than six months prior to the due date. The
article must relate to the weekly reading content and topic for this
assignment: mental health. A full APA reference must be included for the
article you identify, overview, and discuss.
Your answers should be in essay format, typed, 1-2 pages in length, and
double-spaced. This assignment should be completed independently. A
high-quality essay will explicitly incorporate concepts, theories, and topics
from the text and lectures, and it will demonstrate a good understanding of
them as they pertain to the article and questions above.
Your paper should include: an introduction of the current event with
applicable sociological context, an overview of the article, and a
discussion of the current event as relative to the weekly sociological
content. Summarize your thoughts and explain using key course content.
Lastly, include a discussion of the event relative to demography, the
minority population(s) being discussed, and course content.
• Assignment Length: 1-2 pages
• Format: Typed (12pt. font), double-spaced, one (1) inch margins
• You must provide citations using a consistent and appropriate APA format
both in-text and with a References page at the end of the paper
• Be sure to clearly and correctly define all sociological concepts, terms, or
theories that are used in your paper. Show off what you’ve learned!
• Excessive problems in grammar, spelling, and punctuation will result in grade