Long Term Career Development

I am a freshman in the Albertus Magnus College and have enrolled in a Criminal Justice Course. I hope to do my internship with the FBI and graduate with a criminal justice degree. In the future I want my career to be in criminal justice either in the police force or the FBI or in particular to be based on juvenile detention department (Houck, 16). As of now I am a former athlete and want to continue with my passion for basketball and football through coaching and giving back to the youth and later becoming a paid coach. Coaching will be part of my secondary career. Nevertheless, I will climb the ranks from an aau volunteer and pop warner to a bigger position of being paid as a coach. The approach would allow me to continue my passion in sports and build my financial strength. The work will illustrate the different professional steps which I will need to adopt in order to become a professional both in the sports management and criminal justice sector.

As a former athlete with passion in basketball and football, I have always understood the importance of delivering before deadline. As a result, given that I want to achieve two goals at the same time, of being a sport manager or couch in the future and build my career in Criminal justice, I am confidence that I will deliver the promise even before the deadline. I will therefore be required to walk an extra mile in order to deliver according to my promise. During the process I expect to be assigned many assignments for the case of perfecting my skills (Houck, 21). I would therefore be required to be proactive and volunteer in assignments which occur hand in hand in order to learn and grow. I will ensure that my supervisors in the criminal justice course understand and realize that I am interested in projects which will build my career in the future. In the case of sport management which I also expect to build my financial muscle in becoming a paid coach I will search for opportunities which will make me famous in the community as far as game planning and management is concerned.

I do understand that asking for help is just a sign of strength rather than a sign of weakness. Given that the career process I am passing was already passed by other people, I will search for those individuals so that they can inform me the mistakes they made in their career development so that I can learn from their mistakes. Learning from the past mistakes will assist me in avoiding pitfalls and at the same time improve my both careers in the future (Houck, 22). I will therefore have an open mind in regard to the policemen or FBI personal in services and learn how they manage themselves into better career men and women. Given that I am determined to become either an FBI or police officer in juvenile detention and at the same time to become a professional couch that shall be paid, I will have to choose my battle wisely. As a matter of fact, I understand that there is nothing worse than to fight a battle than I will lose. Therefore, having two careers to be developed simultaneously I will have to make it upon my effort to achieve the two careers together.

It has always been my policy to fix the processes and systems before they break again. During my career development I expect to come across barriers and I will ensure that I come up with fast solution before they develop into huge challenges. I will always take time to dissect the systems and processes and establish the ways of providing improvement. A career in criminal justice is similar to the one of the football or basketball coach. Therefore, engaging in training regularly will definitely assist me in understanding the process (Houck, 25). It will be my hobby to ensure that the environment and the condition I live in are at better condition than I met it. The fact that I understand my strength is in athletes and my passion is in sports I will go ahead to exploit them by choosing careers of the FBI or Coachman because I am confident that I will excel. I will go ahead to seek for advice from those people with complementary talents and build my workplace so that I may be in position to exploit my strength. I will also look for my weaknesses so that I may improve them through reading, training, and special assignments.

As determined individual in becoming the best coach and police officer I believe that I will be regarded to be successful when my subordinates shall have excelled. Having acquired the necessary skills and knowledge in my career development I will ensure that the subordinates will achieve their objectives and goals by giving them the opportunities to learn and to grow. During my criminal justice course I will ensure that I give my supervisors easier time to train and impact knowledge upon me.  Moreover, I will ensure that I establish a personal support system which will provide me with a safe place and emotional support for me to be heard and to blow the whistle (Houck, 29). I will always ensure that I am high even if I shall not be in position to attain the target. In conclusion, I will regularly use the introspection and retrospection to guide my beliefs and goals as well as establish my priorities and personals goals. As a result I will develop my career as an FBI or police officer in juvenile detention and a professional coach who shall be paid.

Work Cited

Houck, R. “Spitting on Superman’s Cape” and Other Dos and Don’ts throughout Your Career. 2012. Oxford University