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Midterm Sales Letter

Remember: You must turn in a folder with all graded work (resume/cover letter, white paper, annotated bibliography) along with a hard copy of your Sales Letter at the beginning of class on Monday!

See Chapter 5 of the Magrino textbook and make sure you have read it closely. Page 185 has a good checklist of what your paper should include. Also, see the example papers in the textbook if you’re having trouble imagining how the paper should read.

Check the link tab on the left on the Sakai site for “Grading Criteria” to see another look at how I will be reading the papers.

General parameters:
4-5 pages, single spaced
MLA citation style (in-text and Works Cited list)
Works Cited list should be double spaced.
Works Cited list does not count toward page count.
Works Cited list should include at least 8 appropriate sources (academic, official, peer reviewed). Good papers tend to have 10+ sources.
Avoid the first person except in the invitation to your oral presentation at the end.

Your paper should:
Address a specific person (Patron) by name
Discuss, document, and quantify the Problem
Explain some initial research into the problem toward a solution (Paradigm)
Briefly propose a Plan and provide a rationale for it (this does not have to be extremely detailed, but your proposal should suggest what you think is the likely course of action)
Essentially discuss each of the 6 Ps in order (there may be a little mix of patron/population/problem/plan in the intro). Do not describe them as “6Ps” or use the terms as if your Patron will understand them (speak in clear language, not jargon specific to this class)
Adhere to proper letter format
Open with “Dear [Mr./Ms./Dr./Mrs.] [lastname],”
Close with an invitation to your oral presentation. (See announcement on Sakai for date and time. The location is the classroom in ARC.)
Sign off “Sincerely,” and sign your name on the hard copy.
Be persuasive.

In addition to a hard copy of your Sales Letter, you must also hand in the graded/commented copies of the three previous assignments (cover letter/resume, white paper, annotated bibliography) in a folder with your name on it.