Make changes to the content, summarize the main points from the two stories “Commodify Your Dissent and “Most Young People Don’t Vote” from the Signs of Life in the USA by Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. Argue whether you agree or disagree with the points made in each of the two essays.

Make changes to the content, summarize the main points from the two stories “Commodify Your Dissent and “Most Young People Don’t Vote” from the Signs of Life in the USA by Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. Argue whether you agree or disagree with the points made in each of the two essays.

Media in the 21st century plays a role now, that people thirty years ago would have never expected. Whether it be iPhones, news stories, or social media, this generation is experiencing something that has never been seen before. It causes people in today’s day and age to conform to the norms of society, while also using tactics to persuade millenials who are not informed by relating to the trends of our time.
Throughout the 1950s, straying from the norms of society was a main concept in the majority of people’s lives. These people were portrayed as ones who lived similar lifestyles, and anyone who was thought to stray from the norms of society were thought of as outcasts. People were incapable of doing specific things that have become normal in today’s world. People perceive society today as one where that everyone lives a varying lifestyles with different habits, emotions, interets, and so much more. Rebellion became well-known when marketers started to promote the fact that it was beneficial for people to differentiate their actions from what was thought to be normal in society, as we all known as being one’s own true self. Companies attempted to use this tactic in order to advertise their specific product. Strategic was planning in part due to the fact that before the trend attempted to revolutionize society, people were expected to buy the similar products and continue to buy specific things based on what marketers had advertised as the norms. Frank explains that consumerism can be successful when one has the ability to stand out from other competitors.
Although Frank’s statement may cause controversy throughout the public, the statements he made about the changes in society agree with those that I believe in. The author portrays facts throughout his essay that support our common culture today. Products that stray from the norm of what we are used to seeing every day, catch our eye and entices the consumer to learn more about that certain product. Using this tactic, Marketers have gained immense recognition because the research done to support this action has proved to be extremely beneficial for these people. It did not matter whether or not the product had any significant purpose for the consumer, but rather the fact that it was something new to them played an important role in whether or not they wanted to purchase the item. It isn’t always the smartest idea to stray from the norms of society, but if done correctly, such as this circumstance, marketers have proved to have started something that may be revolutionary for our society.
Reaching the age 18 comes with several changes in our lives. Whether it be becoming a legal adult or legally having the right to vote for office, major responsibilities come with turning 18. Voting for office is a major responsibility as it places something into one’s life that they have never had the experience of. The message conveyed throughout this essay is simply attempting to show that campaigns try to persuade young adults who are able to vote with the wrong message. Using the number 69 relates to the millenials of our time, and many say that this number is solely a statistic for how many millennials and baby boomers are able to vote this year. On the other hand, the majority of people know that although this statistic isn’t false, they use this number in the wrong way to connect the people nd intrigue them in the process of voting. Their idea is not to convey a message to get the viewers interested, but rather disgust them to the fact that they want to do more research on the process. Many of these commercials produced during the voting and election process relate to the younger audience, as these are the people who tend not to be extremely interested in positions of office.
I agree with the author in her statements that regard to the discussing commercials that voting campaigns release to the public. Although it is not morally correct, it is legal and a genius tactic to persuade the young adults to get involved with the election process. As we know, every single year several millenials are not encouraged or don’t have the interest in voting simply because they don’t care enough about who is making laws. While it may not be the right way to relate to their viewers, Voting campaigns are successful and what they do and will continue to do so until they are told otherwise.
In conclusion, it can be easily seen that times have changed immensely from those of even as close as 20 years ago. They will continue to change over time as we can see through the many years experiences we have had on this Earth. Media plays an extremely important role in our society today, but we know that this will continue to evolve as the years go on. The news today tries to persuade people to do things that they may not completely be comfortable doing, but through evidence, it is noticed that it has been successful thus far.