What Makes a Resilient City?

Research Essay


PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT: The purpose of the assignment is to allow you to research a topic of your interest related to course concepts and themes, and to construct and support an argument about your research.

YOUR TASK: Choose or compose a research question related to sustainable development. (If you cannot come up with one on your own, see below for possible research question suggestions.)

To answer your research question, undertake research to find at least 3 secondary sources on or about your topic.

Your answer to your research question will be the foundation for your essay’s thesis (a central claim you will make and then prove in the body of your essay).


SECONDARY SOURCES: Secondary sources are non-fictional articles or essays on the topic of your choice written by experts or those with the authority to write on the subject.

You must refer to at least three acceptable secondary sources in this essay to help prove your thesis—avoid Wikipedia and other sources that are not credible.


ESSAY FORMAT: You must organize your response in essay format (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) and according to APA or MLA format (click here for APA and click here for MLA).

In your introduction,

  • first introduce your general topic by introducing the topic, defining any key terms, and providing some historical context.
  • then transition to your thesis by starting to explain what specifically you will be discussing about your topic (your research question)
  • then present your thesis (the central claim you’re making about your topic—it is, essentially, the answer to your research question)
  • and finally, introduce the three major pieces of evidence, discovery, or discussion you will develop in the body of your essay to prove your thesis.

 The body paragraphs,

  • each body paragraph should develop in detail one of the three major pieces of evidence, discovery, or discussion you outlined at the end of your introduction.
  • Get into detail in the body paragraphs by making a clear assertion, providing evidence (through textual examples and/or quotations from your sources) and explaining how this evidence helps to prove your thesis.


In the conclusion,

  • restate your thesis and supporting evidence
  • provide a provocative final thought




What makes a RESILIENT CITY?