Making a change

Step 1: Journal entry #1 is due by Monday of Week 5. During week 4, you were asked to take a ‘Managing Change’ self-assessment quiz I did the quiz and i will send the information on my files that im going to send right now.
Read the ‘Score Interpretation’ section after you receive your scores. In your journal write a 300-400 word reflection on these change management results and what they mean to you. Do not worry about citing your textbook or using APA formatting- just write!

Step 2: Journal entry #2 is due by Tuesday of Week 5. Describe a temporary change that you will introduce for a week into your life. Choose something that is not too complex or complicated, but something that perhaps you have wanted to change for a while. In this journal entry discuss the change, the importance/significance and a plan for introducing this change. Do not worry about citing your textbook or using APA formatting- just write!

Suggestions/Examples: Get up at 4:30am every morning to work out; do not answer emails for the first hour of every work day’ stay off of social media; make/eat breakfast every morning; meet 2 new people at work every day; eliminate TV; read a book; walk for 40 minutes every day with a family member or close friend; mediate 10 minutes every day; get more sleep everyday)

I need a page on journey 1 and a page on journey 2 int total 2 pages.
Please let me know if you need more information. I have a family emergency, I cant do this assignment by myself and is due tomorrow. Thanks for the help