The Man who Mistook His wife for a hat

Choose one of the two case studies from Oliver Sacks:
. Chapter 1: The Man who Mistook His wife for a hat
. Chapter 2: The Lost Mariner
. In this essay students are required to present and critique information about a person who presents with a neuropsychological disorder (choose one of those outlined above).

– Behavioural
– Cognitive
Humanistic Lesion Analysis

-Neuropsychological Assessment
-Mechanisms of brain damage
Clinical signs of Brain damage
Review of brain structures and associated behaviours
-Perceptual Disturbances
-Where the visual pathway was damaged
-Visual Perception: Constancies ,

In the essay include an integration of:
. A philosophical perspective of the person with the neuropsychological disorder in your case study :
. Physicalism and Modern realism (50% of essay)
. A psychological perspective describing the clinical and scientific perspective of the person with the neuropsychological disorder (assessment and treatment) (50% of essay)
. Retrieve case study from:
Sacks, O. (1998). The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. New York, NY: Touchstone.
. Other details of how to write your essay:
. • Include an abstract of no more than 150 words (not included in the word count)
. • Include a clear introduction, body of argument, and conclusion
• Synthesise information around the topic towards making a cohesive argument • Clearly present the argument you wish to make in the introduction.
. • Use topic sentences at the beginning of every paragraph to summarise the argument that you are making.
• Provide, and correctly cite (in-text and reference list, APA), scholarly evidence in support of the argument you will make. At least 5 scholarly sources are required, including academic books (no more than two) and journals (at least three).
• Show that you have engaged with the philosophical and psychological theory on the topic
• The word count should not be more than 10% over or under the word limit
•Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts used, not by inserting the definition but through the application of the concept to the issues and examples relevant to the question. You can do this by paraphrasing.
Question: Explain whether the motor skills observed in the case study were typical for normal development.

. Motor development refers to two types of motor skills: gross motor skills involving large muscle activity such as walking and fine motor skills involving finely tuned movement such as picking up objects (White, Hayes & Livesey, 2016). Angela’s ability to run up and down small hills at twelve months is considered relatively early as the development of running is usually seen between 13 to 21 months (Frankenburg et al., 1992). Angela is encouraged to explore outside which allows her to develop these motor skills in running.
. Mandatory Sources: (You must include these three mandatory sources and find at least two additional sources). ) *** Bernstein, D.A., Pooley, J.A., Cohen, L., Gouldthorp, B., Provost, S., & Cranney, J. (2018). Psychology:
. Australian and New Zealand edition. (2nd ed.). South Melbourne, Vic: Cengage Learning Australia. ISBN: 9780170386302 Or another relevant neuropsychological journal or book.
. Graham, G. (2015). “Behaviorism”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =
. Renee Kohler-Ryan, ‘Human Persons’, An Introduction to Philosophy and Theology within Catholic Liberal Education (McGraw-Hill, 2015)
. Word count: 1,300 words (including in-text references but excluding reference list)
. The following formatting/presentation specifications must be followed for assignment submissions:
– 11 or 12 point Times New Roman font
-Normal margins on A4 paper
– Portrait orientation
-1.5 or 2.0 line spacing
5.2 Referencing Style
For this course, the referencing style to use is:
American Psychological Association 6th edition (APA) for in-text style
-Copy of this assignment to be retained by the student