Manage Risk – Assessment 2

Assessment 2
Last updated, Jul 2018, v.2.0 Page 1 of 3

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk
Assessment 2
Assessment 2
Last updated, Jul 2018, v.2.0 Page 2 of 3
BSBRSK501 Manage Risk
Assessment: 2
Written Report
Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.
See instructions and task specifications below for details.
You must submit both printed copy and soft copy of your answers.
Submit printed copy of required evidences (your answers) to your Trainer with the
“Assessment Cover Sheet” (Filled out and signed appropriately) attached on top of
your answers.
Upload the softcopy on the eLearning site with appropriate header and footer (Your
name, student id, unit/subject name, assessment no, page no, etc.)
The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers
of appropriate quality or if further clarification required and to validate authenticity
of your submitted work.
• Report can be prepared on an individual or group basis
• Assessment must be typed and it needs to be in a report format and no
more than 1000 words
• Students need to address all tasks in the report as specified below in a
succinct manner
• Students are required to keep a copy of all work submitted
Task specifications:
In order to demonstrate competence in this unit you need to design and
develop a risk management plan of the scenario that was used in the
Assessment task 1 or your chosen workplace that is related to:
• The reduction of accidents, illness or incidents relating to worker or
general public safety
Assessment 2
Last updated, Jul 2018, v.2.0 Page 3 of 3
• The prevention of operations discontinuity and/ or reduction of
associated costs
• The need for new or innovative improvement/ changes in processes or
procedures and the associated risks
• Environmental impact issues- including resource use and management
Select an idea, improvement or opportunity that would be of benefit to your
team or your organisation. This must be a concept that is suited to application
and could be submitted, for approval, to senior management.
Describe and define your idea/ suggestion and give clear and succinct
reasons for initiating and implementing the risk management plan.
You will need to address all of the following information in your report:
• Outlining the current situation of the organisation
-Business practices
-Work processes
-Staff training
• Risks associated with the current situation
-Number of risks in different contexts (e.g. economical, technological)
• Risk identification and assess process
-Likelihood, consequences of risks along with rating of risks
-The process of identification with clear discussion about the whole
process including involvement of both human and technologies
• Risk controlling methodologies
-An overview of the exiting methodologies
– Its strengths and weakness
-Improvement opportunities
• Action plan on improvements
-New plans to manage risks
-Communicating with relevant stakeholders
-Documentation of action plans
-Monitoring policy
• Evaluating improvements
-Reduction of impact or consequences of the risk
-Introduction of any risk (if applicable)
• Supporting documentation
-Discussion on documents which are required for the whole process
The assessment need to be presented in a proper report format with a clear
introduction of the report and with a proper conclusion.