Management in Policing

Assignment 1 and Assignment 1 Update list the Readings Desired. You will not require all the attachments, but have put them in there just in case. Learning Guide also goes through everything.

In relation to Item 1, this can be the perspective of being supervised by a bad or good supervisor.

Good supervisor – I worked with a Detective Sergeant in Mackay as a part of a Property Crime Task Force to tackle the crime problem. I would say this supervisor really cared for staff. Allowed flexible/shift changes if required. Praised work. Was working with you. Empowering. Not a micro Manager.

Bad Supervisor – However, after 6 months, when this Detective Sergeant left he was replaced with another which was everything opposite. Would sit you down to nit pick or micro-manage your work (referred to as task list and cases). No flexibility. Hard to approach or talk to. Just wanted stats and numbers. This led to me leaving this Property Crime Section after 3 months.

Item 2 –
QPRIME is just the police program used to put in our reports, data, do checks on, basically everything so if someone does not put in their data. For example, if someone reports a crime, the officer is to put the report on. If the report does not get put on, it basically cannot be investigated because there is no report or foundation. Reports have to be placed on before the end of shift.

Item 3 is self explanatory – Peruse activity 3.10 on page 3.25 of your Learning Guide. Assign01_Update01_2019 shows readings to list.
Read more at:¤cy=AUD&pages

Item 4 – If not know Carers leave is when a loved one is sick, in hospital for example or no way that kids can get taken care of. So carers leave is used which takes out a sick day.

I have attached my old failed assignment. However, Assignments have slightly changed this year before i had a chance of re submission.

Thanks :).