Marketing Debate: Does It Matter Where You Sell? In your position, include an example to support your position. Also include which position applies to your own channel strategy in your marketing plan for a Pet Grooming and Boarding business.

Marketing Debate: Does It Matter Where You Sell? In your position, include an example to support your position. Also include which position applies to your own channel strategy in your marketing plan for a Pet Grooming and Boarding business.
Take a position:
Channel images do not much affect the brand images of the products they sell.
Channel images must be consistent with the brand image.

Summary of Channel Strategy:

Most producers do not sell their goods directly to final users. Between producers and final users stands one or more marketing channels, a host of marketing intermediaries performing a variety of functions.
Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing management. The company’s chosen channel(s) profoundly affect all other marketing decisions.
Companies use intermediaries when they lack the financial resources to carry out direct marketing, when direct marketing is not feasible, and when they can earn more by doing so. The most important functions performed by intermediaries are information, promotion, negotiation, ordering, financing, risk taking, physical possession, payment, and title.
Manufacturers have many alternatives for reaching a market. They can sell direct or use one-, two-, or three-level channels. Deciding which type(s) of channel to use calls for analyzing customer needs, establishing channel objectives, and identifying and evaluating the major alternatives, including the types and numbers of intermediaries involved in the channel.
Effective channel management calls for selecting intermediaries and training and motivating them. The goal is to build a long-term partnership that will be profitable for all channel members.
Marketing channels are characterized by continuous and sometimes dramatic change. Three of the most important trends are the growth of vertical marketing systems, horizontal marketing systems, and multichannel marketing systems.
E-commerce has become firmly established as more companies have adopted “brick-and-click” channel systems. M-commerce (selling via smart phones and tablets) is also gaining in importance. Some consumers engage in showrooming by which they shop in stores to inspect products but buy online later to seek a lower price.
Channel integration must recognize the distinctive strengths of online, offline, and mobile selling and maximize their joint contributions.
All marketing channels have the potential for conflict and competition resulting from goal incompatibility, poorly defined roles and rights, perceptual differences, and interdependent relationships. Companies can try to manage conflict through dual compensation, superordinate goals, employee exchange, co-optation, and other means.
Channel arrangements are up to the company, but certain legal and ethical issues to be considered include exclusive dealing or territories, tying agreements, and dealers’ rights.