Marketing Mix

Step 1: Conduct research on the following three ice cream
companies; Magnum Ice Cream, Hagen Dazs, and Ben and
Analyze the ALREADY COMPLETED Marketing Mix
Worksheet in Full.
Step 2: Analysis – Four (4) pages of narrative content
Use the information provided in the Marketing Mix Worksheet
to completed the Analysis Paper.
All citations/references must only come from the 3 websites for the 3 ice cream
companies and the following online book, “Introduction to Business” which is
located at
An example of the proper reference citation for the Introduction to Business
online book is:
Lumen Candela (n.d.). Global Environment: Global Trade Forces, Introduction to
Business. Retrieved from
Lumen Candela = Author (will not change for Introduction to Business online book)
(n.d.) = Date (will not change for Introduction to Business online book)
Global Environment = Chapter (will fluctuate depending on which Chapter information is
being cited from)
Global T
Introduction – Approximately ½ Page
Provide the proper name of the three companies and briefly describe the products you
reviewed along with any relevant history about these products/brands.
The Four Ps of Marketing – Approximately 3 Pages
Describe the key marketing strategies of the selected companies. The evaluation
must be based on what is observed on the three websites about how the Four Ps
(explained below) are applied to the products. Be specific in discussing design,
promotional activities and other information provided on each website.
When evaluating each company describe each of The Four Ps (Product, Placement,
Pricing, and Promotion) of Marketing for each of the three ice cream companies;
Magnum Ice Cream, Hagen Dazs, and Ben and Jerry’s.
• PRODUCT: Describe the want or need the product addresses.
• PLACEMENT: Describe the physical location of the product among its closest
competitors (a quick picture of the shelf would tell a good story!), and describe
what this placement says about the marketing strategy.
• PRICING: Describe the pricing strategy. A good description would include
observations about the closest competitive product and its relative pricing.
• PROMOTION: Describe how the product is being promoted. Include any obvious
physical/in-store promotions seen on the shelf, as well as flyers, coupons, social
media, online advertising, etc.
Identify and discuss the target market each company is trying to reach.
Conclusion – Approximately ½ Page
In this section, draw conclusions about the proven or possible success of the
products for the three companies (Magnum Ice Cream, Hagen Dasz, and Ben and
Jerry’s) based on the strengths and weaknesses of each website. Using the
strengths and weaknesses of each website, explain how each company uses the The
Four (4) Ps of Marketing to ensure the success of its product.
How to Set Up the Paper
Create a Microsoft Word document that is double-spaced. Use 12-point Times New
Roman font. The narrative of the paper must be four (4) pages long.
Requirements to Follow
• Use the attached rubric while completing the project to ensure all
requirements are met
• Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words
such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or
your” (second person writing).
• Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.
• For all other source material used in the analysis, you will not use direct
quotation marks but will instead paraphrase. Meaning the ideas of an author or
article must be put into your own words rather than lifting directly from a source
document. DO NOT not use more than four consecutive words from a source
document, as doing so would require direct quotation marks. This requirement
includes facts from the case scenario. Changing words from a passage does
not exclude the passage from having quotation marks.
• Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contains the
reference associated with each in-text citation.
Again, an example of the proper citation for the Introduction to Business
online book located at
Lumen Candela (n.d.). Global Environment: Global Trade Forces,
Introduction to Business. Retrieved from
Global Environment = Chapter Global Trade Forces = Section w/in the
• DO NOT use any other sources except the “Introduction to Business” online
book and the three ice cream company websites in completing this project.