mathematics lesson plan, Lesson title: Understanding points, lines, rays, angles, triangle and quadrilaterals

mathematics lesson plan, Lesson title: Understanding points, lines, rays, angles, triangle and quadrilaterals


Standards: Standard four

Materials: Number lines, colored pencil or markers and Ruler

Content objectives: I can easily apply the use of protector to measure angles, classify angles as well as draw parallel and perpendicular lines.

Language objectives: I can write acute, right and obtuse angles. In addition, I can draw up parallel, perpendicular, lines of symmetry and rays.

Time frame Lesson plan

20 min for each lesson

Day one lesson

Lesson 14-1 and 2: Draw Points, Lines, Parallel, perpendicular lines and Rays

Objectives of lesson one: Draw points, lines, line segments, and rays and identify these in two-dimensional figures.

Objectives of lesson two: Draw parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines and identify these in two-dimensional fingers.

Materials: Number lines, colored pencil or markers and Ruler


–         Write words such as lines, line segments, endpoint and rays on the board and ask the students to identify them.

–         Ask the students to identify various key concept boxes in the lesson as well as the difference that exist in each example

–         Have volunteers come to the board and write symbols for perpendicular as well as parallel. In addition, have other students draw examples beneath each word on the board.

Question: How do the students know a figure is a line segment and not a ray or a line?

Day Two lessons

Lesson 14-3 and 4: Hands on: Model Angles and Classify angles

Objectives of lesson three: Understand concepts of angles and angle measurement.

Objectives of lesson four: Use concepts of angle measurement to classify angles.

 Materials: lesson paper.


–         Conduct a quick preview of the previous lesson.

–         Use the appropriate tools and demonstrate to the students to form angles.

–         Ask the volunteer to draw angles on the board hence help in demonstrating to the students how to classify angles (vocabulary on view: Acute angle, degree, obtuse angles, right as well as one-degree angle)

Question: what is the difference between acute, right and obtuse angles?

Day three lesson

Lesson 14-5, 6 and 7: Measuring angles, drawing angles and solve problems with angles

Objective of lesson five: To use a protractor to measure angles to the nearest degree.

Objectives of lesson six: Use the protractor to draw angles of a specified measure.

Objectives of lesson seven: To solve addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angles on diagram in a real-world and mathematical situation.

Materials: Index cards with acute, right and obtuse angles drawn on them and protractor.


–         Quickly review the previous lesson on classification of angles after which ask the students to recall knowledge on angle measurement.

–         Have the student familiarize themselves with material for angle measurements during the lesson.

–         Draw on the board various angles and model to students how to take its measurements

–         Further have the students draw various angles as well as to name various attributes of the obtuse, right and acute angles.

–         To be able to solve problems, present students with problems to identify the unknown angels on the board.

Question: what is the procedure of contracting a ninety-degree angle?

Day four lesson

Lesson 14-8 and 9: triangles and Quadrilaterals

Objectives of lesson eight: classify triangles based on angle measure and describe triangles using their attributes.

Objectives of lesson nine: To classify quadrilaterals using their attributes.

Materials: protractors, colored pencils or markers, tape and index cards.


–         A quick previous lesson preview and relate to the current lesson triangles

–         Write the words on the board and have the students say what they know about the words on the board. (vocabulary on review: Acute, obtuse and right angles)

–         Ask the students to identify the difference existing between classification of triangles and angles.

–         On quadrilaterals, write words on the board and ask the students to identify words. (vocabulary on review: parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid and square)

Question: What difference exist between triangles and quadrilateral?

Day five lesson

Lesson 14-10 and 11: Draw lines of symmetry and Problem-solving Investigation: Make a model.

Objectives of lesson ten: Identify figures with line symmetry and draw lines of symmetry.

Objectives of lesson eleven: solve problems by making a model.

Materials: paper hexagons, scissors, square pieces of paper.


–         Write words on the board and ask the students to identify. (vocabulary on review: line of symmetry, line symmetry)

–         Explain to the students that line of symmetry is a characteristics figure that can be folded into two halves

–         Explain to the student the student a real-world example of line of symmetry.

–         Demonstrate to the student as well as develop a model that can be used to solve problems on angles.

Question: what is a line of symmetry and where is it applicable.


20 min for each lesson

Method one: Development of a Math model

Day one lesson: for the purpose this lesson on points, lines and rays, explore with the students the use of number lines, colored pencil to draw the point, lines and rays. Further, explore with the students to draw figures to make parallel as well as the perpendicular lines by joining up the points.

Day two lesson: for the purpose of modeling the angles and classifying of angles, employ procedural skills as well as fluency to draw up obtuse, right and acute angles.

Day three lesson: For the purpose of measuring angles, explore with the use of index cards to show the students the various categories of angles. Further explore with the students to remember that acute angle is less than 90o, right angle is 90o, obtuse angle is more than 90o and less than 180o.

Day four lesson: for the purpose of tringles and quadrilaterals, explore with the student to draw acute triangle with three acute, right and obtuse angles and use protractor to identify their various objects. Further, explore with the students by use of index card to draw quadrilateral on each card such as squares, trapezoids, parallelogram, rectangles and rhombus

Day five lesson: For the purpose of drawing lines of symmetry, explore with the students to use hexagon papers and scissors to prepare a line of symmetry and also explore with the students to procedurally solve various problems on angles.

Method Two: Co-operative learning, Math’s four group rotation.

–         Introduce the concept of group rotation to class.

–         Give the students, a class exercise to solve problems on angles, triangles as well as quadrilaterals. (assess the student’ performance and understanding on the concept)

–         Form the outcome of the assessment, divide the students into four groups such as bellow level, bellow level, on level and above level. This groups therefore rotates through the four stations during the math lesson.

Station 1: Work with The Teacher

The students sit closer to the teacher, who engage them through an interactive learning and discussion as per the academic needs of the group as well as the day’s concept. In the group, guide the student through the class text questions after which ask them undertake a small exercise to assess their progress finding unknown angles on triangles, rectangles as well as identifying the various classes of angles.

Station Two: Independence Practice

The student in this station remain seated on their desks and work out simple exercise on drawing parallel, perpendicular lines, lines of symmetry. Ask the students to use protractor in measuring angles as solve some problems.

Station Three: Group Practice

The students at this station group themselves into three to four. They engage in a discussion as well as raise question according the concept learnt on triangles, angles, points, lines and quadrilateral. Students provide reaction to questions suggested as the teacher asses the relevancy of the answers suggested.

Station Four: Math’s Game

The students are provided with paper hexagon plates and scissors; they should fold the paper hexagon to develop lines of symmetry which will divide the objects into two equal halves.

Summery on the four stations

Stations Work with the Teacher Independent Practice Group Practice Math’s Games
Rotation 1 Way Below Level Above Level Below Level On Level
Rotation 2 Below Level Way Below Level On Level Above Level
Rotation 3 On Level Below Level Above Level Way Below Level
Rotation 4 Above Level On Level Way Below Level Below Level




20 min for each lesson

–         Explain to the students the right procedure to draw up points, lines rays, angles triangles and other quadrilaterals

–         Clearly explain to the students the difference between acute, right and obtuse angles.

–         Clear any misconception on the, squares, triangles, rectangles as well as other relevant quadrilaterals to the student

–         In explaining the various classification of various types of angles engage the students in doing light examples.

–         Explain to the students how well they can procedurally attempt the failed problem and make relevant corrections.


15 min for each lesson

–         Build on relevant question involving angels and quadrilaterals, lines of symmetry and elaborate to the students how to go about them

–         Elaborate to the students how to join up pints and lines to develop parallel and perpendicular lines.

–         Elaborate to the students’ step by step method of solving both simple and complex on angles

–          In addition, elaborate to students how to solve problems with angles.


15 min

–         Give the students comprehensive exercise and assignments to verify the students’ problem-solving skills on angles

–         For each lesson, assess the vocabulary of the students as per the concept learned such acute, right and obtuse angles

–         Apart from the class exercise, give students homework on drawing parallel and perpendicular lines.

–         Give to the students a final evaluation test at the end of the chapter.  From the outcome, advice the students with problems on the covered topic accordingly.

From the outcome of the final test, assess the performance whether the students are able to move to the next chapter, by understanding the concept unknown angles, triangle, quadrilateral, lines of symmetry and rays.