How does mathematics support children’s language in early years setting OR how mathematics support children social interaction

This module is titled enquiry based learning
Q- how can maths help children to become an enquiry based learning
Q- how practitioners help or support children problem solve mathematics
How children access mathematics resources in setting
Q- what resources are available
Q- how children us e the area

Key readings
Hayes, C., Daly, M., Duncan, R., Gill, R., and Whitehouse, A. (2017) Developing As a Reflective Early Years Professional: A Thematic Approach, St Albans: Critical Publishing
Read Chapter 1 ‘The nature of reflective practice’

Week 10: Approaches to small scale investigation
This week we will find out
• What is action research?
• What is case study?
What is Ethics?
• Codes of practice
• Importance of ethical research
• Principle of informed consent
You will find this week’s reading on the Reading List
Key readings
British Educational Research Association (BERA) (2018) Ethical-Guidelines-for-Educational-Research, available at:

Week 11: Data Gathering Methods

This week we will

• Explore methods for data collection
• Revisit briefly the importance of observation as a means of data collection
• Examine what an interview is and how to structure it
• Revisit the importance of journaling

You will find this week’s reading on the Reading List
Key readings
Magnusson and Marecek (2015) Doing Interview-Based Qualitative Research: a learner’s guide, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Read chapter 5 pp. 52-57 on ‘Designing the interview guide’

David leat on enquiry based
Beckley et al (2009) 189/190